Popular Services
IT starts here! Connect with Information Technology in the way you want to get your support: in-person, chat, phone, or right here via IT Service Desk, with a Service Request ticket.
Request to print a poster using one of IT's large format poster plotter printers located in the Mines IT Service Desk in CTLM 156.
Use this request for assistance with a software installation or upgrade.
IT will provide employees with one of our PC or Mac standard devices.
Report issues with wired or wireless network connections.
All access related requests can be submitted here.
Request access to Adobe software including Adobe Acrobat Pro or a variety of Adobe Creative Cloud options.
This service provides a way to request administrative privileges to a Mines-owned computer or device.
Request support for use of the VMware Horizon virtual desktop.
Use this service when you need to submit an IT-related request, but don't see a service listed in Mines Help Center that fits the description of the service that you need from ITS.
Get additional help for an existing Microsoft Office product or access additional options within Office365.
Use this ticket if you need to create a new project/add new user on the Wendian HPC, or Orebits file share, as well as request troubleshooting/support on these services.
All printer related services including support for BlasterPrint and other printer related support.
Use this request form to change your non-IT managed computer to an IT-managed computer so you can gain access to internal resources within our network. Your computer must have a supported operating system (examples: Windows 11, macOS 14). This change must be completed on campus.
Request a new dashboard or submit a suggestion for a current dashboard.
Request new digital signage content to be uploaded and displayed on campus digital displays managed through PingHD.