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Services or Offerings?
This Mines Help Center service links to the Mines Facilities Management site for access services.

Report digital content or software at Mines that is not accessible / Request Remediation of inaccessible digital content at Mines

All access related requests can be submitted here.

This service provides a way to request administrative privileges to a Mines-owned computer or device.

Support issues directly related to Application Manager (UC4).

Request help or feature support from Mines resident Canvas resources, which may include help from the Trefny Innovative Instruction Center as well as Mines IT.

Something is broken or not working in a computer lab.

Request access, transfer, or build new AWS accounts for research students or staff.

Use this service for help with Citrix-based Virtual desktop, which is starting as a pilot for the Fall 2023 semester.

Request new or modified Cognos access using this service.

Request an enhancement or report a problem with a Cognos report.

Request Support for unexpected interruptions experienced with Cognos reporting using this service.

Use this request for assistance with a software installation or upgrade.

Submit a purchase request to the SAIL office.