OnBase Issues

Service Description

The OnBase product is not working as expected, including Installation, Access, Scanner Setup, Account creation/password assistance.


OnBase Users

Service Levels

All issues will be logged. Some issues may require special resolution from the vendor.



Please let us know what is needed for this service to be performed.


Service Charges

Free to users.

Requesting the Service

To request this service, you may start the process here within Mines Help Center using the "Submit Request" button located on this page. The information you provide will give us what we need to follow up or to fulfill the request, so please provide as much detail as possible.


“OnBase Workflow Training” can be found at Mines Skillsoft Percipio website https://mines.skillport.com


Report Issue


Service ID: 35984
Fri 5/24/19 10:40 AM
Wed 12/6/23 2:51 PM