Buying a printer, installing a printer, using existing print services.

Categories (1)

Articles (12)

Pinned Article Mines Copy & Print Services

ITS provided & recommended copy & print services.

Pinned Article OrePrint - How to Use

Use this article as a reference for how to use the Mines mobile printing platform, known as OrePrint. This service is supported by Information and Technology Solutions.

Pinned Article Step-by-step: How do I connect to OrePrint or OreCopy from a Mac?

There are several ways to connect a Mac to a printer on the Mines network. Here are two that work well for most Mac computers on campus.

How to Secure your Device and Enable Print Spooler Service in Windows 10 Following PrintNightmare

This article outlines the steps needed to restart the Windows Printer Spool service when it has been disabled previously, which was recommended due to the PrintNightmare vulnerability.

OrePrint during PrintNightmare Vulnerability

This KB article is to help users print during the PrintNightmare Situation

OrePrint Locations

Use this article to learn where to find OrePrint stations in the various buildings across campus.

Step-by-Step: How to map a network shared printer on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 using LPD/LPR.

How to map a network shared printer using Ubuntu Linux 18.04.

How do I request a refund on OrePrint?

Step-by-step guide on how to request an OrePrint refund.