Search10 Results

Complete the following steps to connect your non-IT-managed Chromebook device to Mines Wi-Fi.
Complete the following steps to configure your non-IT-managed Ventura Mac to Mines’ network.
Complete the following steps to configure your non-IT-managed Mac OS X to Mines network.
Complete the following steps to connect your non-IT-managed Windows device to Mines-Test Wi-Fi.
Complete the following steps to connect your non-IT-managed iMac device to Mines-Test Wi-Fi.
Complete the following steps to connect your non-IT-managed Android device to Mines-Test Wi-Fi.
Follow these instructions to sign onto the Mines-Guest Wi-Fi Network
Follow these instructions to authenticate to the 802.1x network using an Ubuntu 22.04 device.
Complete the following steps to connect your non-IT-managed iOS device to Mines-Test Wi-Fi.