Okta password


  • Logging in for the first time

  • Update password

  • Reset forgotten password


Logging in for the first time

If you followed an old bookmark, link, or email to identity.mines.edu in order to claim your Mines account, note that you will now do so by visiting my.mines.edu.  Please refer to the MY.MINES.EDU (Okta) Self Help User Guide to complete the process.

You should simply be able to input your MinesuUsername which was automatically generated for you, and follow the additional prompts to create your password and set up multi-factor authentication.

Update password

To update your password:

  • Login to my.mines.edu
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, click your profile.
  • Select settings.
  • Click the edit profile button in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Scroll down to the change password section.
  • Update your password.


Reset forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password and need to reset it, go to my.mines.edu, enter your Mines username, go to the next screen and select forgot password

Next you'll receive and email prompting you to click the reset password button.

Upon clicking the Reset Password button, you will be taken back to the my.mines.edu login screen to enter a new password and then verify it by typing it in again.


If you have any questions or need support, IT is here to help!  Please feel free to reach out to us at the IT Service Desk at 303-278 -HELP (4357).

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