Information Security

Learn more about Duo Multi-Factor Authentication, Global Protect VPN, email security, and other IT security topics.

Categories (3)

Global Protect

Global Protect is Mines' VPN for securely accessing Mines services off of the Mines network

Articles (10)

Pinned Article How to protect yourself from phishing and viruses

Attackers and scammers often look for ways to steal email addresses, passwords, and other sensitive information. We share what to look for and how to avoid phishing and virus attacks.

Pinned Article Phish Alert Button

Guide to using the Phish Alert button that you may see in Exchange Online / Outlook

Pinned Article Protect Yourself from Support Scams/Scareware

Defining what a support scam is and what to do if there is a possible support scam.

Pinned Article What is the SOC?

The Security Operation Center (SOC) monitors, assesses, and defends against cybersecurity threats on the Mines’ network.

Collecting and Applying Your InCommon Issued S/MIME Certificate

This is a step-by-step guide to collecting and applying your InCommon issued S/MIME certificate to enable secure-email.

Log4j Critical Vulnerability

Mines response to log4j critical vulnerability.

Step-by-Step: How to harden Windows 10 Defender to provide greater security.

How to harden Windows 10 Defender to provide greater security.

Step-by-Step: How to use Microsoft Windows Security (Windows Defender) to scan your Windows 10 computer.

How to use Microsoft Windows Security (Windows Defender) to scan your Windows 10 computer.