Submit a Student Form

What is it?

This service area is for departments to submit payment and other miscellaneous graduate and undergraduate student forms for processing. 

Who can use it?

Staff and Faculty

Where to get it?

First-Time Student Employee

If a student has never worked on the Mines campus, they are required to complete new hire onboarding on their date of hire. Students are not permitted to work until all employment requirements are complete in the MAPS office. 

Undergraduate Student Contracts

  • Please see the box labeled Attachments to the right to download the most recent version of the undergraduate employment agreement. 
  • Please see the Related Articles to complete an Undergraduate hire in Workday. 
Federal, Institutional, or Colorado Financial Aid Awarded Work-Study Contracts

Only available from the students' Trailhead Account.

How to use it?

Undergraduate Student Contracts

All students are paid via a student employment contract.  Undergraduate Student must be hired in Workday before the student’s hire date. As a best practice, the hire process should be initiated 10 business days prior to the hire date, especially if a background check is needed. 


Federal, Institutional, or Colorado Financial Aid Awarded Work-Study Contracts

Available from the students' Trailhead Account or from Financial Aid.

Submit Form(s)

Related Articles (3)

Article on the topic of managing candidates and adding job to undergraduate students within Workday.
Article on the topic of managing candidates and hiring new undergraduate students within Workday.
Contract extension process for undergraduate students remaining in their same role with the same department from one semester to the next. This process can also be used to change a student to and from Work Study or Department Funding.