iClicker: Cloud

Tags iclicker

If you need assistance with iClicker, please contact Mines IT technical support at https://helpcenter.mines.edu/

Getting started with iClickers at Mines

iClickers can be used to measure student learning, give practice opportunities, and track attendance in Mines courses with enrolled students. If you want to use iClicker for anonymous polling in workshops, meetings, and other events that are not Mines courses, please check out the iClicker Events page here.

As of Fall 2024 Mines has a site license for iClicker Cloud and therefore students do not need to purchase access to use the iClicker app on their phone or tablet or the iClicker website on their laptop browser. Physical iClickers are no longer being sold in the Mines bookstore but students may still use them with your course if an instructor permits. The Mines Library also has a stock of physical iClickers to loan out to students if they do not have access to a phone/tablet/laptop for class.

IT has integrated iClicker Cloud in Canvas to support the use of iClicker's Cloud version for roster and grade syncing. iClicker Classic support has been discontinued as of January 1, 2024. We encourage instructors to use the iClicker Cloud version. 

Overview: Switching from iClicker Classic to iClicker Cloud

Install iClicker Cloud Desktop Software

To begin, instructors will need to download and install iClicker Cloud desktop software. The desktop software is the hub for running synchronous polling, quizzing and attendance activities in class. The iClicker Cloud instructor website is a hub for creating assignments for synchronous and asynchronous learning, managing the roster and gradebook data, and syncing to Canvas. 

  • All campus podium computers have this software installed and updated. If instructors are planning to teach from the Mines podium computer, they should log into the iClicker Cloud desktop software after logging into the podium computer.
  • Mines instructors who choose to teach from their own personal laptop computers will need to install iClicker Cloud desktop software on their laptop. 

Need help setting up iClicker? View iClicker's Support Center or submit a Canvas Request

Create an iClicker Cloud Instructor Account

Create an iClicker Cloud Instructor Account either in the iClicker Cloud desktop software or on the iClicker Cloud website. Be sure to select "Sign in through your campus portal" at the bottom of the sign-in page. You will use your Mines email to create an account or link to your previous account. For more information, view the iClicker Single Sign-on Access to iClicker Account Mines Help Center article. 

Create your course(s) in iClicker Cloud

After installing the iClicker Cloud desktop software and creating an instructor account, follow the details in the video below.

Manage course settings

Before using iClicker with your students, you can customize your course, including which devices you want to allow for participation, how you want to score polls and quizzes, how you want to use Attendance, and much more.

iClicker Cloud Polling

Viewing Results in iClicker Cloud Website

How to Grade and View Polling Results on the iClicker Cloud Instructor Website

How to Share Your iClicker Cloud Course with a Co-Instructor or TA

iClicker Integration with Canvas

iClicker Cloud student response system has been pre-installed throughout Canvas to allow for syncing of student rosters and student scores with Canvas courses. For instructions on how to configure iClicker to integrate with Canvas, please refer to the iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync guide.

Student Registration

To ensure your roster and grades sync correctly, share the student login instructions page in the Mines Help Center with your class to ensure all your students complete this process. In addition you can share the following links with your students for guidance in using iClickers in class.

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Article ID: 152370
Fri 8/2/24 9:38 AM
Thu 9/5/24 2:37 PM