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This article explains the details of how to use Microsoft's cloud-sharing and file storage solution, known as OneDrive. As a Mines student, faculty, or Staff, you will receive access to OneDrive through Microsoft's Office 365 suite.
Use this o365 application to upload videos and share with everyone in your organization or choose only specific individuals who can contribute.
Microsoft Teams at Mines lets faculty, staff, and students collaborate in a dynamic, chat-based environment. It’s part of your school-sponsored Office365 at Mines account.
If you are having issues with the MS Teams desktop application, you can try clearing the cache on your device. This may help solve some issues you may be experiencing. Below are steps to take to clear your cache on your Windows, or Mac device.
Export a copy of your work from OneNote, Class Notebook, Teams, and OneDrive
Guidelines on how to access a shared calendar in a Microsoft Exchange or Office365 environment.