MediaSpace: Video Quizzes in Canvas

Step-by-Step Guide to Using MediaSpace Video Quizzes in Canvas

Integrating MediaSpace video quizzes within Canvas is a powerful way to engage students interactively, test their understanding, and provide instant feedback directly through video content. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use MediaSpace Video Quizzes within Canvas:

Access MediaSpace in Canvas

  1. Log in to Canvas:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the Canvas tile within
      Canvas tile within
  2. Navigate to Your Course:
    • Select the course where you want to include the MediaSpace video quiz from your Canvas dashboard.
      Canvas course dashboard

Create or Select a Video Quiz

  1. Access MediaSpace through Canvas:
    • Click on My Media in the global navigation menu to open your MediaSpace library within Canvas.
      Canvas global navigation.
  2. Choose a Video for the Quiz:
    • If you already have a video quiz created in MediaSpace, proceed to Embed the Video Quiz in Canvas. If not, select a video to add a quiz to, or upload a new video by clicking Add New and then Media Upload.
  3. Add a Video Quiz:
    • For an existing video, click on the video title, then choose Actions and select Launch Editor.
      Launch Editor button within Actions Menu
    • Go to the Quiz tab within the video editor and create your quiz by setting parameters and adding questions at chosen points in the video.
    • For full details on creating video quizzes within MediaSpace, please check out this guide.

Embed a Video Quiz in Canvas

  1. Embed Quiz in a Canvas Assignment:
    • Navigate to a pre-existing assignment or create a new assignment in Canvas where you want the quiz to appear.
    • Begin configuring your assignment as you normally would including Assignment Name, Description, Points, Due Dates, etc.
    • Click Submission Type then click the External Tool option.
      Submission Type dropdown menu.
    • Click Find and then select MediaSpace Video Quiz.
      MediaSpace Video Option
    • Find your video quiz and click on </> Embed.
      Embed video button.
    • Click Select to confirm your choice.
      Select video option.
    • Finalize your Canvas assignment configuration and click Save & Publish.
      Save and publish Canvas assignment.
    • Notes: When students complete a MediaSpace Video Quiz assignment, their score should automatically be added to your course grade book. Open-Ended Questions and Reflection Points are not graded automatically and will need to be manually evaluated.
  2. Embed Quiz in a Canvas Page:
    • Navigate to a pre-existing page or create a new page in Canvas where you want the quiz to appear.
    • Click the Embed MediaSpace Video icon to add new content to your page.
      MediaSpace Button within page settings navigation bar.
    • Select the Add from Library option.
      Add from Library button.
    • Find your video quiz and click on </> Embed.
      Embed video button.
    • Finalize your Canvas page configuration and click Save & Publish.
      Save and publish video quiz page.
    • Note: Embedding a video quiz within a Canvas page will not allow for automatic grading. Use the Embed Quiz in a Canvas Assignment option to configure a video quiz to be graded automatically.

Publish and Monitor

  1. Publish the Content:
    • Ensure the page or assignment containing the video quiz is published and inform your students that the quiz is available.
  2. Monitor Progress and Engagement:
    • Use both Canvas and MediaSpace analytics tools to monitor student progress and engagement with the video quiz. Check for completion rates, quiz scores, and watch times.


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Article ID: 152005
Wed 7/3/24 7:41 AM
Wed 8/21/24 6:50 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.