MediaSpace: Creating and Managing Video Quizzes

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Video Quizzes in MediaSpace

Using video quizzes in MediaSpace is an excellent way to enhance viewer engagement, assess understanding, and collect valuable feedback directly within your video content. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create video quizzes, along with best practices to maximize their effectiveness.

Access MediaSpace

  1. Log in to Your MediaSpace Account:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the MediaSpace tile within or use the url,
      MediaSPace tile at

Select a Video for the Quiz

  1. Navigate to My Media:
    • Click on My Media from the main navigation menu to access your media library.
      My Media Navigation
  2. Choose a Video:
    • Select a video you wish to add a quiz to. Ideally, choose a video that clearly presents a topic suitable for evaluation or reinforcement through a quiz.

Add a Video Quiz

  1. Add New Quiz:
    • With the video selected, click on the Actions dropdown menu below the video player and select Launch Editor.
      Launch editor option.
  2. Open Quiz Editor:
    • In the video editor, find and click on the Quiz tab, which will allow you to start creating your quiz.
      Quiz editor icon.
  3. Alternative Method
    • Click on + Add New at the top right corner and select Video Quiz.
      Add new button option to add new quiz.

Create Quiz Questions

  1. Set Quiz Parameters:
    • Click the Start button to begin creating your quiz.
      Start button to begin editing quiz.
    • Configure general quiz settings, such as allowing users to skip questions, the number of attempts allowed, and whether to show correct answers after submission.
      Quiz configuration options.
      Expanded quiz configuration options.
  2. Add Questions:
    • Play the video and pause at the point where you want to insert a question.
      Add question button.
    • Click on “Add a Question” at the desired point. You can choose from the following options:
      Question options.
      1. Multiple Choice – Question with only one correct answer
      2. True/False – A question with only 2 options – True or False
      3. Reflection Point – A video pause combined with text.
      4. Open-Ended Question – Answer the question with your own words
    • Input the question and answers. For multiple-choice and true/false questions, mark the correct answer.
  3. Continue Adding Questions:
    • Repeat the process to add multiple questions throughout the video at relevant points.
  4. Edit / Delete Questions
    • To edit or delete a previously created question, start by clicking on Cube icon on the timeline that corresponds to the question you wish to edit.
      Edit quiz question
    • Next, a dialog window will open which allows you to edit the question or delete it altogether.
      Delete or edit a question

Preview and Save the Quiz

  1. Preview the Quiz:
    • Use the preview feature to test the quiz from a viewer’s perspective. Ensure that questions appear at correct points and that answers are accurately recorded.
      Preview quiz button.
  2. Save and Publish:
    • Once satisfied with the quiz, click Done to finalize the quiz settings and then Go to Media Page to exit the editor.
      Done button.
    • Ensure the video quiz is set to the appropriate privacy setting for your intended audience.

Taking a Quiz

  1. Start Quiz
    • Click the Play button, the same way you would on any other video within MediaSpace, to begin taking the quiz.
      Start the quiz
  2. Download Pre-Test
    • In the lower left-hand area of the video player, users have the option to download a pre-test document.
    • This document lists all quiz questions in a text-based format.
  3. Answering Questions
    Quiz questions example.
    • Multiple Choice – Users will click on one option out of the available set which they believe to be correct.
    • True/False – Users will click on either True or False to answer the question.
    • Reflection Point – Reflection Points are not questions that need to be answered. They simply add a moment to pause and reflect upon key points in the video.
    • Open-Ended Question – These questions provide the user with a small text field to type in a short, 250 character answer to a question.
  4. Review and Submit
    End of quiz options to review and submit.
    • Users have the opportunity to Review their answers and make changes prior to submitting their quiz.
    • Once a user has review their answers, they will click the Submit to confirm and submit them.

Editing Quiz

  1. To make changes to a video quiz after-the-fact, click on the Actions dropdown menu below the video player and select Launch Editor.

Best Practices for Creating Video Quizzes in MediaSpace

  1. Create Video with Quiz Format in Mind
    • Organize video content with clear breaks and natural transitions to seamlessly integrate quiz questions at logical points, enhancing learner engagement and retention.
  2. Align Questions with Learning Objectives:
    • Ensure each question directly relates to the key learning objectives of the video. This alignment helps reinforce the material and ensures the quiz effectively assesses viewer understanding.
  3. Strategically Place Questions:
    • Insert questions at natural breaks in the video content to maintain viewer engagement without disrupting the flow of information. Avoid placing questions too close together.
  4. Use Varied Question Types:
    • Incorporate different types of questions to cater to various learning styles and keep the quiz engaging. Using a mix of question types can also help assess different levels of understanding.
  5. Keep Questions Clear and Concise:
    • Write questions and answers that are straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid using complex language that might confuse viewers.
  6. Determine the Number of Questions:
    • Be mindful of the quiz length. Too many questions can overwhelm viewers and reduce the effectiveness of the learning experience.
  7. Review and Update Regularly:
    • Periodically review and update quiz questions to ensure they remain relevant and reflect any updates to the video content or learning objectives.
  8. Analyze Quiz Results:
    • Review overall quiz results within Quiz Analytics to understand how viewers are performing. Analyze trends and use this data to improve the content and the questions.


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Article ID: 151999
Tue 7/2/24 1:21 PM
Tue 9/10/24 9:01 AM

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MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.