MediaSpace: Metadata: Names, Descriptions, and Tags

Adding metadata such as a video name, description, and tags helps others find your video more easily when browsing or searching in MediaSpace.

Add metadata when you upload a video

  1. In MediaSpace, click the +Create button and upload a video.
    Media upload options within MediaSpace +Create Menu
  2. Click the Edit (pencil) button next to the video file name as it processes.
    Edit button within My Media library.
    Meta description options.
    • Name: The file name will be used by default. Replace the file name with a short, unique title.
    • Description: Write a detailed description of the video content. Include key points, topics covered, and any relevant information.
    • Tags: Add tags that describe the content of your video. Tags should be specific and include keywords that users might search for.
  3. Click Save. Your video will continue to process and upload.
    Save changes button.

Edit metadata on an existing video

  1. On a video page, select Actions > Edit. 
    Video player Actions menu
  2. Click on the Details tab to edit the name, description, and tags.
  3. After making your edits, click Save to update the metadata.
    Save changes button.

Using tags in MediaSpace

Tags are used in two ways in MediaSpace.

  1. Search: When you search for a word or phrase in the search field, MediaSpace will search existing tags in videos you have access to.
  2. Related media: Public videos and media with the same tag are displayed in the Related Media sidebar on the right side of a media page.

Tag tips

  1. Kaltura MediaSpace has tips on creating effective tags.
  2. When you start typing a tag, MediaSpace will suggest existing tags that match. Use existing tags whenever possible for better search results and consistency across MediaSpace.
  3. New tags will automatically be re-formatted to only use lowercase letters. 
  4. If your tag has more than one word, use spaces between the words.

Best practices for metadata

  1. Be descriptive and specific
    • Use clear and specific titles and descriptions. Avoid vague terms and ensure that the metadata accurately reflects the video content.
  2. Use relevant keywords
    • Think about the keywords your audience might use to search for your video. Include these keywords in your video names, descriptions, and tags.
  3. Keep it concise
    • While it’s important to be descriptive, also be concise. Long titles or descriptions can be overwhelming and less effective.
  4. Tag consistently
    • Use consistent tagging conventions across all videos. For example, if you use “lecture” as a tag, use it for all lecture videos.
  5. Review and update
    • Review and update metadata periodically to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. This is especially important if video content changes or if new keywords become relevant.
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Article ID: 151374
Wed 5/15/24 6:33 AM
Wed 8/7/24 12:52 PM

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MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.