This service should be used when requesting a permanent or long-term change in the approval authority of one of more specific Projects or Operating Accounts. This service can be submitted by Department Leadership, Academic Affairs, Administrative Professionals, or individual approval authorities. The General Accounting team, Colorado School of Mines Foundation, & the Budget Office have discretion over the appropriateness of changes in approval authority and or the need to request additional approval for the change.
For temporary changes due to employee leave or to delegate approval authority to a subordinate/share approval authority please refer to the Setting up Delegations in Workday.
Who is the Approval Authority? Per the Mines Financial Policy, the Approval Authority is defined as “The person within the Organizational Unit that is responsible for ensuring financial transactions recorded against an Index are appropriate.” In practice, this means the individual who has authority to approve financial transactions for a specific Driver Worktags; for example, this individual would approve Expense Reports or Invoices being paid against the Driver Worktag in question.
What is a Driver Worktag? Formerly known as an INDEX, a Driver Worktag is used to assign a unique combination of Fund, Function, & Cost Center within the Finance System that is used to record financial transactions.
What is a Project? When we say Project Driver Worktag we are referring to Professional Development, Research Development, Auxiliary, and or Foundation Accounts. These Driver Worktags can start with a “1”, “3”, or “6”.
What is an Operating Account? When we say Operating Account Driver Worktag, we are referring to funding sources tied to the General Fund which are based on annual budget. Most commonly this would be the department’s Operating Account. These Driver Worktags start with a “2”.
- Requestor: The individual that is requesting and or the main point of contact for the change in Project Approver and or Operating Account Manager.
- This is a searchable field, if you are signed into Mines Help Center when submitting your service request, it will auto-populate with your own name, but this can be changed if you are submitting the request on behalf of someone else.
- Acct/Dept: This field will auto-populate based on the Requestor selected.
- Type of Approver Change: You must select one of the options from the list.
- Single DWT Change: This should be used when an update is being requested for a single Project or Operating Account.
- Temporary Change- Approver going on leave: If this option is selected, you do not need to submit a request. A temporary change can be handled using Delegation within Workday. See more information about this on the Setting up Delegations in Workday knowledge base article.
- Other/Multiple DWT Changes: This option should be used if the two above are not applicable OR you will be listing more than one Project or Operating Account to update. When using this option make sure that you list a detailed explanation in the “Additional Information/Comments” text box.
- Additional Information/Comments: The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
- You can include text, tables etc. in this field. It should be used to provide any additional information.
- Attachment: Please include any emails or documentation including, if available, approval for new Project Approver and/or Operating Account Manager.
- As mentioned in the description, we may request additional approvals for any changes. If you have approvals in an email form and or context for the need for the change, make sure to include it as an attachment.
If you have additional questions please submit a request using our General Accounting - Questions & Comments service.