Vanpool Payroll Deduction | Commuter Choice Program

What is it?

This service is to deduct vanpool fees from your wages on a pre-tax or post-tax basis.

Employees who commute more than 15 miles to get to work can use vanpool, a low-cost program that provides vans, insurance and fuel for commuters to travel together to work. Vanpool participants don't have to work for the same company, as long as their work locations are nearby. We even offer wheelchair-friendly vehicles! Vanpools in the Denver region are partially subsidized by the Regional Transportation District (RTD).

Further information on Vanpooling:

Find Vanpools in the Denver-Metro area:

Who can use it?

Mines Employees

Where to get it? / How to use it?

To register/establish a Vanpool:

Once registered for the Vanpool, you may request a payroll deduction to cover Vanpool fees by selecting the Request Vanpool Deduction button and complete the online form.