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All access related requests can be submitted here.
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
Account, Password, or Access Request Options
Account, Password, or Access Request Options
Additional/special access for a contingent worker (previously granted via a custom role)
Alumni Email Access Request For Previous Graduates
Alumni Email Password Reset
Classroom Lab Computer, Workstation, Printer Access Modification
File Share, Workstation, Printer Access Modification
Forgot Username Request
Login Issue
Login/User Account Request
Reset Password Issue
Returning User Request
Single Sign-On Issue or Configuration (Okta SSO)
Student Employee Account Request
Username Change Request
Workday User Access
Okta Issue or Configuration
Okta Issue or Configuration
Issue with Okta SSO
New Okta Application Configuration Request
System / Software Name
Does this system use SAML or OIDC? (Leave blank if unknown)
Does this system use SAML or OIDC? (Leave blank if unknown)
Software Vendor Contact Info
Attributes for Assertion
User to Add Workday Admin Account
Exisiting User to Mirror Access
Your Full Name
So that we can find your record, please provide your full name as it appears in your campus records.
Your Mines "username" (login name), if known
Your CWID, if known
When are you returning to Mines?
When were you last at Mines?
In what role are you returning?
In what role are you returning?
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Online Student
Other Student
Other: please describe
Department Affiliation
With which department are you employed/sponsored/affiliated?
Non-Mines Email Address:
Your Full Name
So that we can find your record, please provide your full name as it appears in your campus records.
Campus Role
Please provide your role at Mines.
Accepted Applicant - Graduate
Accepted Applicant - Undergraduate
Student - Graduate
Student - Undergraduate
Other (Pls expain in Additional Information)
8 Digit Campus Wide ID (ex. 10012345)
For which service(s) are you unable to login?
Choice of service when reporting a Login Issue
Cannot login to multiple services
ADIT _a Account
ADIT _s Account
Applicant Portal
Banner Dev
Chrome River
Computer Lab
Email - Alumni
Email - Exchange
Email - Other
Health Screen
Housing Portal (StarRez)
Identity Self-Service
ISSS (International Student & Scholar Services)/TerraDotta
Labby (Remote Lab Connections)
Mines Help Center
Office 365/MS Teams
Perceptive Data Transfer (PDT)
Rec Center
Remote Desktop Connection
Scholarship Portal
Star Rez
Trailhead/Self-Service Proxy (parents/guardians)
Vacation/Sick Leave
VDI Client
VM Horizon
VPN (Global Protect)
What is your Mines username (login ID)?
Phone Number
Your Full Name
So that we can find your record, please provide your full name as it appears your school record.
Non-Mines Email Address
Login/Account Request Type
Chrome River
Email Display Name Change
Guest Account
Local Administrator Login (_a account)
Mines Help Center Login Access
Scantron Machine Login
Skillsoft/Percipio Login Access
Student Worker Account (_s account)
Trailhead Access (former students or employees)
Workstation Login Access (ADIT)
Workstation Login Access (Linux)
Other (Pls expain in Additional Information)
New Email Display Name
Name of person who needs Mines Help Center (MHC) Login Access:
Enter the name of person who needs Mines Help Center Login Access.
CWID for the person who needs MHC Login Access:
(If known) Enter the CWID for the person who needs Mines Help Center Login Access.
Department for person who needs MHC Login Access:
List of usernames
List of resources requested
Start Date
End Date
This request will be forwarded to the department manager for approval
For which service do your need your password reset?
_a Account
_s Account
Alumni Email
Trailhead (For alumni, former students and employees)
If you have an Alumni e-mail AND know your password but just need to reset it, do so via the following link:
When entering the username via the Microsoft portal, please be sure to include the "" in the username.
If you're attempting to use the "", please request a new alumni email account.
If you know your password but just need to reset it, do so via the following link:
When entering the username via the Microsoft portal, please be sure to include the "" in the username.
Your Mines username/login name is used to login to most Mines computing services. And is typically the part of your email address before
Non-Mines Email Address
List of usernames
List of resources requested
Start Date
End Date
This request will be forwarded to the department manager for approval.
Requesting access for ...
Requesting access for ...
How many people are you requesting access for?
How many people are you requesting access for?
Upload Instructions for 5+ People
To continue this request, you will need to upload a list of the people you are requesting access for.
In this file, include the person's USERNAME (required), first name, and last name. (Preferably save as a Microsoft Excel Document)
This template is available for use:
Upload this file in the "Attachment" section below.
Access Type
Access Type
File Share Access
Workstation Access
Printer Access
Other (Pls expain in Additional Information)
File/Directory Share Permissions
File/Directory Share Permissions
Directories to Share
Please list the files or directories that you would like shared.
Are you requesting access to HPC (High Performance Computing)?
Are you requesting access to HPC (High Performance Computing)?
Yes, I'm requesting a custom role for HPC access.
Applicant's Full Name
Applicant's Institutional Affiliation
Applicant's Country of Residence
Name of the person whose account is to be disabled:
Please enter the name of the person whose Mines computing account is to be disabled.
The person named above is ...
The person named above is ...
Leaving Mines
Changing Department, Role, or Job
"Username" for the person whose account is to be disabled:
Please provide the "username" for the computing account to be disabled. (This is the first part of their email address, before
8-digit number starting with "10".
Employee's supervisor's name:
Please enter the name of the employee's direct supervisor. (For non-employees, enter "N/A".)
Employee's supervisor's email address:
Supervisior's email address
Date/time for ITS to start account cleanup:
(mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm)
Enter the earliest date & time you would like ITS to start disabling the above person's Mines computing account access. (If it is late in the day, actual account cleanup may begin at the start of the next work day.)
What would you like to be done with existing email messages?
Do Nothing with the Existing Email Messages
Provide a Copy of the PST File to the Supervisor ...
Give Access to Existing Email Messages (for 60 days) to ...
Email addresses for people who should be given access to the employee's existing email messages
"Out of Office" message to be sent (for 60 days) in reply to future email messages:
The user may have already set an "out of office" message for their email. Or you may request an "out of office" message be set.
Give us the exact text you would like sent in reply to future email messages sent to the user's email INBOX.
Give ADIT home directory access to these people:
Who should be given access to the user's ADIT home directory?
Transfer ownership of OneDrive files to:
To whom should we transfer ownership of the user's OneDrive files? (Ideally, this would be the supervisor.)
NOTE: OneDrive files are removed soon after an account is terminated (~30 days) and are NOT recoverable after that.
Give access to other files/directories to:
Are there other files/directories that need to be shared? With whom?
Forwarding the phone extension to:
Should the phone extension be forwarded? If yes, to which phone number?
Change the Caller ID for the phone extension to:
What would you like the Caller ID on the phone extension to say? (E.g., the room number or department name)
Reset VoiceMail PIN and give the new PIN to:
Should we reset the voicemail PIN? Who should be given the new PIN?
Networking - Reassign static IPs to:
If the user had static IP addresses associated with their Mines account, who should the static IP addresses be reassigned to?
NOTE: Network registrations associated with the user are removed, not reassigned.
Reassign department web editing access to:
Did your employee manage department web pages?
If yes, which department/area? And to whom should access be reassigned?
Transfer Zoom Cloud Recordings & Future Meetings?
Cloud recordings and future meetings may be transferred to another user. By default, cloud recordings are deleted 120-days after creation. If not transferred, cloud recordings and future meetings are deleted when a user's Zoom access is removed.
Transfer Zoom Cloud Recordings and Future Meetings to:
Cloud recordings and future meetings may be transferred to another user. By default, cloud recordings are deleted 120-days after creation. If not transferred, cloud recordings and future meetings are deleted when a user's Zoom access is removed.
Mines Role
What is your current role at Mines?
Under Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Other (Please explain below)
Have you had a legal name change?
Current Username
Have you reported your new name to the Registrar (students) or HR (employees)?
Please provide a non-Mines email address
This service is for alumni who do not currently have Mines email access.
If you have Mines email access, follow the instructions in the Alumni Email offer email message that was sent to you. If you use this service, your request will be rejected and delay your access to Alumni Email.
Do you currently have active Mines email access?
Do you currently have active Mines email access?
Do not proceed. Please follow the instructions in the email invitation that was sent to your Mines email address.
To learn more about alumni email:
If you answered "No" to the question above: Please answer the questions below to help us validate your eligibility for Mines Alumni Email access.
If you answered "Yes" to the question above: Do not proceed. Please follow the instructions in the email invitation that was sent to your Mines email address.
1. CWID:
Enter your Mines Campus Wide ID (CWID).
2. Full Name (that matches your Mines record):
Enter your full name -- that matches your Mines record.
3. Mines Username:
Enter your Mines username. (This is the username you would have used to log into Mines computing systems.)
4. Date of Birth:
Enter your date of birth in mm/dd/yyyy.
5. Graduation Date:
Enter when you graduated from Mines.
6. Major
Enter your major at Mines.
7. Any physical mailing address as it appears in your Mines record:
Enter any address that appears in your Mines record.
8. Any telephone number as it appears in your Mines record:
Enter any phone number as it appears in your Mines record.
9. Personal email address as is appears in your Mines record (Your request and subsequent replies should also come from this address):
Enter your personal email address as it appears in your Mines record. Additionally, your request and replies must come from this address.
What is your Mines Campus Wide ID (CWID)?
What is your Mines Alumni email address?
What is your birthday?
What year and semester did you graduate from Mines?
What was your major?
What is your US Postal Service residential mailing address as it appears in Trailhead?
What is your phone number as it appears in Trailhead?
Alternate Email Address
More Information
Note: "Custom Roles" are no longer supported as of 9/10/2024. Please refer to this knowledge base article to learn how to establish a "Contingent Worker" via Workday.
After the user has been established as a Contingent Worker, this form can then be used by a sponsor to request additional/special access by describing the specific need in the Description. Please be sure to provide the name and CWID of the user in the Description.
Worker's Mines Email Address
Worker ID (or CWID)
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
File attachments associated with the ticket.
The impact, in terms of number of individuals, of a ticket.
Affects User
Affects Multiple Users
Affects Group (like Building or Department)
Other Fields
Your name
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Your phone number
Verification Code