Canvas: Using Annoto with MediaSpace Videos

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Annoto with MediaSpace Videos in Canvas

Using Annoto with MediaSpace videos in Canvas can greatly enhance the interactive learning experience by allowing students and instructors to engage in discussions directly within the video timeline. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to integrate and use Annoto with MediaSpace videos in Canvas, along with some best practices for leveraging this tool effectively.

Access Canvas

Log In to Canvas:

  • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
  • Navigate to the Canvas tile within or use the url,
    Canvas tile within

Course Media

Access Course Media:

  • Select your desired course with your Dashboard.
  • Go to the Course Media section of your course.
    Course media link in main navigation.

Annoto Dashboard

Accessing the Annoto Dashboard

  • Click on the Channel Actions icon in the upper right-hand corner of your Media Gallery.
    Channel Actions Button
  • Select the Annoto Dashboard option from the drop-down menu.
    Annoto dashboard button

Enabling Widgets

  • Click on the Preferrences button to view a list of all available Annoto MediaSpace widgets.
    Preferences button within Annoto Dashboard
  • Select the Features tab in the Annoto main navigation bar.
    Features tab in Annoto Dashboard.
  • Click the on/off switch in the lower-left corner of a widget card in order to enable or disable it.
    On / Off button within widget card.

Available Widgets

  • Comments: Open threaded discussions. Each comment has a time tag to keep the discussion focused on the context.
  • Personal Notes: Personal notebook that allows users to post private notes with time tag to reflect on the content.
  • Video Comments: Enhance the Comments feature with ability to record videos using a web camera or capture the screen.
  • People: Real-time online presence of course participants. Network with other users, search, see who is online and mention (@) users in comments.
  • Chat: Enhance People feature with One on One chat among course participants.
  • Limit Fast Forwarding: Prevent fast forwarding the video to make sure all the video content is watched without skipping.
  • Reactions: Allow users to react on the video to increase engagement and get feedback.
  • Notifications: Allow users to follow discussions to receive email notifications and be notified on comment replies and people mentions.
  • Anonymous Comments: Enhance the Comments feature by allowing users to post individual comments anonymously. Only moderators will see the author of comments that are posted anonymously.
  • Analytics (On by default): Core analytics on users activity and engagement.
  • Analytics Export (On by default): Enhance the Analytics by allowing moderators to export and download the analytics data from the dashboard.
  • Video Analytics (On by default): Enhance the Analytics with advanced insights on video consumption such as completion, watch time and heat-maps.
  • Badges: Help users to reflect and stand out using achievement badges such as comment educators thumbs up.



After enabling Annoto Comments, you will notice a comment window alongside the video. This widget allows viewers to interact with the video by leaving comments, questions, or notes directly linked to specific timestamps in the video.

Comments widget

  • Add Comments: To add a comment, click in the text box next to the video and type your message. Your comment will automatically be tied to the current timestamp of the video.
    Add comment
  • Reply to Comments: Students and instructors can reply to comments, fostering discussions around specific video content.
    Reply to comment
  • Viewing Threaded Discussions: All comments are displayed in a timeline, and replies are shown as threaded discussions under the original comment.
    Timestamped comments.
  • Instructors can Moderate: As an instructor, you can review all comments, moderate them, and remove inappropriate comments if necessary.
    Moderate comments.

Personal Notes

The Personal Notes widget in Annoto allows users to create private, timestamped notes while watching MediaSpace videos within Canvas. These notes are only visible to the user, providing a personalized way to organize thoughts and review content.

Personal Notes widget.

  • Start Watching the Video: As you watch the video, you can pause at any point where you'd like to take notes.
  • Add a Personal Note: Click the "Personal Notes" section next to the video and type your note. This note will automatically be linked to the current timestamp in the video.
    Add a personal note.
  • Send Your Note: After writing your note, click Send. The note is stored privately, and only you can access it.
    Access personal notes.
  • Revisit Your Notes: Anytime you return to the video, your personal notes will be available, organized by timestamp, allowing you to quickly jump to key parts of the video.

Video Comments

The Video Comments widget in Annoto allows users to engage in time-stamped, threaded discussions directly within MediaSpace videos in Canvas. Both instructors and students can interact by posting public or private video comments tied to specific moments in the video, fostering collaboration and discussion.

Video Comments widget

  • Start Watching the Video: As the video plays, users can pause at any point where you'd like to add a video comment.
  • Add a Comment: Click the Comments section next to the video and click in the Comments field. A camera icon should appear above the comment field, click it to being creating a video comment.
    Add a video comment
  • Allow Camera and Microphone: A window may pop up asking your to grant Canvas the ability to access your computer's camera and microphone.  Ensure that the correct camera and microphone are selected and then click Allow.
    Allow camera and microphone
  • Record your Comments: Click on the Start Recording to begin recording your video comment. Click on the Stop button once you are finished with your comment.
    Record your content.
  • Replaying, Redoing, and Posting Comments: After recording your video comment, you can click on the Play button to preview your recording.  If you are satisfied with your comment, click the Post button.  If you wish to redo your video comment, click on the X button in the upper right-hand corner and begin this process over again.
    Post your recording button.
  • Revisit and Manage Comments: Video comments are organized by timestamp, allowing users to easily jump back to related sections of the video. Instructors can moderate the comments as needed.
    View video comments in the chat.
  • Use for Collaborative Learning: The Video Comments widget enhances interaction and engagement by allowing students and instructors to share insights, ask questions, and discuss key points directly within the video.
  • Instructors can Moderate: As an instructor, you can review all video comments, moderate them, and remove inappropriate comments if necessary.
    Moderate video comments.


The People widget in Annoto allows users to see a list of all participants who have interacted with a MediaSpace video within Canvas. This widget shows the real-time online presence of course participants.

People widget.

  • View Participant List: As students and instructors interact with the video (through comments, notes, or other activities), their names will appear in the People widget, creating a visible list of all participants.
    Participant List
  • Check Availability: Each viewer of the video will have a green dot next to their name if they are actively viewing the video.  Users who have previously interacted with the video but are not currently doing so will be represented with a gray dot.
    Availability icons.
  • @Mentions: You can @ mention users within the Comments section by typing in @ followed by their name.
    @ Mentions in chat.


The Chat widget in Annoto is an enhancement to the People widget, allowing users to engage in private, one-on-one conversations within MediaSpace videos in Canvas. This widget facilitates direct, private communication between participants, enabling focused discussions without the need for public comments.

Chat widget.

  • Access the People Widget: Click on the People widget to view the list of participants who have interacted with the video.
  • Initiate a Private Chat: Find the person you want to chat with in the participant list. Click their name and the Chat to open a private chat window.
    Participant List
  • Send a Private Message: In the chat window, type your message and send it. This conversation remains private between you and the selected participant.
    Send a private message.
  • Continue the Conversation: The chat history is saved, so you can return to the conversation at any time during or after watching the video.
  • Use for Private Discussions: The Chat widget allows users to ask direct questions, share insights, or collaborate privately with another individual without distracting from the public discussion.
    Private chat thread.
  • Enhance Learning with Targeted Communication: The Chat widget can be used for mentoring, private feedback, or group collaborations, providing a focused communication channel between participants.

Limit Fast Forwarding

The Limit Fast-Forwarding widget in Annoto controls how users can navigate through a video, ensuring they can't skip ahead without watching the required sections. This widget allows instructors to enforce optional viewing rules based on quizzes and overall activity.

Limit Fast Forwarding widget.

  • Enable the Limit Fast-Forwarding Widget: Once Annoto is activated on a video, the Limit Fast-Forwarding option can be enabled within the video’s settings.
    Limit Fast Forwarding options.
  • Mandatory Quizzes: When mandatory quizzes are enabled, the widget restricts fast-forwarding in the video until all mandatory quizzes have been answered.
  • Optional Quizzes: When optional quizzes are enabled, the widget restricts fast-forwarding in the video until all quizzes (optional or mandatory) have been answered.
  • Activity: When activity tracking is enabled, the widget restricts fast-forwarding through the entire video, ensuring that viewers cannot skip any portion of the video without watching it.


The Reactions widget in Annoto allows viewers to express their responses to specific moments in a video by reacting with emojis, providing immediate, simple feedback within MediaSpace videos in Canvas.

Reactions widget.

  • Start Watching the Video: As viewers watch the video, they can click on the reactions panel to select an emoji that reflects their response to specific moments in the video.
    Reaction button.
  • React in Real-Time: Viewers can choose from a set of predefined emojis (Clap, Laugh, and Heart) and click them at any point during the video to register their reaction.
    Reaction options.
  • Multiple Reactions: Viewers can react multiple times throughout the video, adding as many reactions as they like at different moments.


The Notifications widget in Annoto allows users to follow discussions and receive email notifications when there are replies to their comments or when they are mentioned by others in the video discussions within Kaltura MediaSpace in Canvas.

Notifications widget.

  • Follow Discussions: Users can opt to follow a video discussion by enabling notifications within the Annoto panel. This allows them to stay updated on new comments or replies.
  • Receive Email Notifications: When a user’s comment receives a reply, or they are mentioned by another participant, they will receive an email notification to alert them.
  • Track Mentions: The Notifications widget also notifies users when they are tagged or mentioned by others in a comment.
  • Stay Informed: By enabling this widget, users can ensure they are informed about ongoing discussions, making it easier to participate in video-based conversations.

Anonymous Comments

The Anonymous Comments widget in Annoto allows users to post comments without revealing their identity within MediaSpace videos in Canvas. This feature enables anonymous participation in video discussions.

Anonymous comment widget.

  • Start Watching the Video: As viewers watch the video, they can leave comments in the discussion panel without displaying their names.
  • Post an Anonymous Comment: Once users click on the Mask icon, they can type and submit comments which will appear as anonymous to all other participants.
    Anonymous comment icon.
  • Engage in Discussions Anonymously: Viewers can reply to others’ comments or start new threads without disclosing their identity, encouraging participation from users who prefer anonymity.
  • Instructors Can Moderate: Instructors still have the ability to moderate and manage the anonymous comments if necessary.
    Moderate comments.


The Analytics widget in Annoto provides detailed data on user participation and activity within a video, including insights into engagement, collaboration, quiz activity, and notes in MediaSpace videos within Canvas. Accessing these insights helps instructors understand how students interact with video content.

Analytics widget.

  1. Access the Video Dashboard: Once Annoto is activated, go to the video dashboard by clicking on the video’s settings.
  2. Open the Insights Tab: Within the dashboard, select the Insights tab to view the detailed analytics for the video.
    Insights tab.
    Analytics dashboard.
  • View User Participation: The Analytics widget shows a breakdown of user participation, including:
    • Engagement: A rating based on user-generated content and interactions (such as comments, replies, time-tag clicks, likes, and notes).
    • Collaboration: The number of comments and replies.
    • Quizzes: The number of quiz interactions.
    • Notes: The number of personal notes submitted by users.
  • Track User Activity: Instructors can view activity on a per-person basis, identifying individual users' contributions, including their comments, replies, and quiz participation.
    User activity.
  • Analyze the Activity Trend Graph: The trend graph displays overall engagement, collaboration, and note submission trends over time, helping instructors visualize how interaction progresses throughout the video.
    Activity trend graph.
  • Monitor Engagement: Use the Analytics widget to gauge overall user involvement and adjust content or interaction strategies based on the displayed data.

Analytics Export

The Analytics Export widget in Annoto allows moderators to export and download detailed engagement data from the dashboard within Canvas.

Export Analytics widget.

Access the Video Dashboard: Once Annoto is activated, go to the video’s dashboard by selecting the video’s settings.

  1. Open the Insights Tab: Navigate to the Insights tab within the dashboard to view the detailed analytics for the video.
    Insights tab.
  2. Locate the Export Option: In the Insights section, find the Export button, which allows moderators to download the engagement data.
    Export button.
  • Use the Exported Data: Moderators can now review the exported data offline, perform advanced analysis, or share the information with stakeholders as needed.

Video Analytics

The Video Analytics widget in Annoto provides advanced insights on video consumption, offering detailed data such as completion rates, watch time, and heat-maps to visualize user engagement within Kaltura MediaSpace in Canvas.

Video Analytics widget.

  1. Access the Video Dashboard: Once Annoto is activated, go to the video’s dashboard by selecting the video’s settings.
  2. Open the Insights Tab: Navigate to the Insights tab within the dashboard to view the detailed analytics for the video.
    Insights tab.
    Video analytic data.
  • Average Completion Rates: The widget displays the percentage of the video that viewers have completed, helping instructors see how much of the video content was watched.
  • Average Watch Time: The watch time metric shows the total time viewers spent on the video, giving an overview of the average and total time spent by users.
  • Analyze Heat-Maps: Heat-maps highlight the most-watched sections of the video, showing where viewers spent the most time and which sections were skipped or re-watched.
  • Use the Data: This advanced consumption data helps instructors understand how students engage with the video and identify areas that may need more attention or clarification.


The Badges widget in Annoto allows moderators to award an Educator Thumbs Up badge to users. When this feature is enabled, if a moderator "likes" a comment, the user who posted the comment receives the Educator Thumbs Up badge, highlighting their contribution.

Badge widget.

  • Post Comments: Users can post comments on the video as usual.
  • Moderator Likes a Comment: When a moderator likes a comment, the Educator Thumbs Up badge is automatically awarded to the user who posted the comment.
    Educator's thumbs up icon.
  • View Badge: The badge will appear next to the user's comment, indicating that it has been recognized by a moderator.
  • Use for Encouragement: The badge encourages high-quality participation by rewarding thoughtful or insightful comments.


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Article ID: 152812
Wed 9/4/24 9:49 AM
Tue 10/15/24 10:22 PM