MediaSpace: Video Player Features

Tags MediaSpace

Default video player

The default video player is used for most videos in Mines MediaSpace. Some content may have alternate players with different features available. Player controls and features will appear once the video begins to play.

Screenshot of MediaSpace player with labels added

Features on the bottom control bar

The MediaSpace default video player has the following features on the bottom control bar. In the screenshot above, these are labeled with numbers in yellow circles. 

  1. Video seek bar that shows thumbnails and timestamps
  2. Pause/play button
  3. Skip back 10 seconds / Skip forward 10 seconds
  4. Current time and total time
  5. Volume control bar and mute/unmute button
  6. Closed captions: toggle on and off
    1. This icon will not appear if no captions are available.
  7. Settings
    1. Captions: select language (if available)
    2. Quality: select Auto quality or other options (if available) for higher and lower quality
    3. Speed: Change playback speed to .75, 1.0 (Normal), 1.2, 1.5, or 2.
  8. Picture-in-Picture mode
  9. Fullscreen mode

Features in the upper right

The MediaSpace default player has the following features in the upper right of the player. In the screenshot above, these are labeled with letters in blue circles.

  • A. Magnifying glass icon: Search in video
    • Search the transcript of all video captions for words or phrases. This icon will not appear if no captions are available.
  • B. Transcript icon: Show/hide transcript. This icon will not appear if no captions are available.
  • C. Flag icon: Report inappropriate content
    • Flag a video for moderation due to inappropriate content

Transcript Features

When a video is playing, click the transcript icon in the upper right to show the transcript. The transcript panel appears on the right side of the player. When the panel is open, you can use the following transcript features:

  1. Search inside transcript
    1. Enter search terms and use up and down arrow buttons to navigate through highlighted results in the transcript
  2. More button (three dots icon)
    1. Download current transcript: Download a plain text file (.txt) of the transcript without timestamps. 
    2. Print current transcript: Open a print dialogue to print a plain text version of the transcript without timestamps.
  3. Popout transcript: Open the transcript in a new window. The side panel will close.
  4. Hide transcript: Close the transcript side panel.


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Article ID: 152319
Tue 7/30/24 11:02 AM
Wed 8/7/24 12:54 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.