MediaSpace: Video Quiz Analytics

Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing Video Quiz Analytics in Kaltura MediaSpace

Using video quizzes in MediaSpace not only engages learners but also provides valuable analytics to assess user interactions and understanding. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access and use video quiz analytics in MediaSpace, along with some best practices for interpreting and applying this data.

Access MediaSpace

  1. Log in to MediaSpace:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the MediaSpace tile within or use the url,
      MediaSpace Tile in

Navigate to My Media

  1. Go to My Media:
    • Click on My Media from your Profile Image to access your My Media library."
      My Media option within main menu of MediaSpace
  2. Select a Video Quiz to view question results:
    • Find the video you want to view quiz results for and click on its title to open it.

Access the Quiz Analytics

  1. Quiz Questions:
    • Click on the Actions button below your video quiz and then select Analytics.
      Analytics option within the video Actions Menu.
    • Click on the Quiz Questions tab towards the top of the page.
      Quiz questions tab within Analytics.
    • Within the Quiz Questions tab, you will see each quiz question listed.
    • Click on the question text to expand information revealing how each individual user has answered the question.
      Quiz results.
    • Toward the right-hand side on the screen, quiz creators and managers have the ability to Export a .csv or Printable Report for all quiz questions or individual questions.
      Quiz result export options.
  2. Quiz Users
    • Click on the Actions button below your video quiz and then select Analytics.
      Analytics option within video Actions menu
    • Click on the Quiz Users tab towards the top of the page.
      Quiz user results.
    • Within the Quiz Users tab, you will see each user that participated in the quiz.
      Quiz results by user.
    • You will also see information columns which include the Final Score a user received on the quiz as well as how many Attempts they have made on the quiz.
      • If a video quiz in integrated into a Canvas assignment, the quiz score should transfer into your course grade book automatically.
    • The Trash Can icon enables quiz creators and managers to remove a user's last attempt or all attempts made on a quiz.
      • This feature could prove useful if a quiz user experience technical difficulties or unique circumstances that necessitate them retaking the quiz outside of its predefined schedule.
    • Click on a user to expand information revealing how they answered each question within the video quiz.
    • Toward the right-hand side on the screen, quiz creators and managers have the ability to Export a .csv or Printable Report for all quiz users or individual users.

Export and Utilize Data

  1. Export Data:
    • Use the export function to download the data for further analysis or for inclusion in reports. This data is available in CSV and HTML (Print) format.
  2. Share Insights:
    • Share your findings with relevant stakeholders, such as academic colleagues, course designers, TAs, etc. to make informed decisions about content improvement.

Best Practices for Using Video Quiz Analytics

  • Align Quizzes with Learning Objectives: Ensure that the quiz questions are well-aligned with the learning objectives of the course or training program. This alignment helps ensure that the analytics you collect are relevant and useful.
  • Detailed Question Analysis: Analyze the performance of individual quiz questions to determine which ones may need to be revised for clarity or accuracy. High rates of incorrect answers could indicate that a question is confusing or the video content did not adequately cover the topic.
  • Monitor Trends Over Time: Look for trends in quiz performance over time. This can help identify if changes in the video content or quiz questions have had a positive or negative effect on learner comprehension.
  • Use Feedback for Improvement: Use the analytics as feedback to improve both the video content and the quiz itself. For example, if users consistently drop off at a certain point in the video, it might be worth examining why this is happening and how to keep the audience engaged.
  • Leverage Data for Personalized Learning: Use the data to offer personalized feedback to learners. For example, if a learner is struggling with a particular concept, provide additional resources or remedial content.
  • Respect Privacy: When analyzing and sharing individual performance data, ensure compliance with privacy laws and Mines policies. Be cautious about how you handle and share sensitive information.  Because MediaSpace quiz data shows users' names directly within the results, it is not recommended to display this information on-screen in front of an audience.


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Article ID: 152006
Wed 7/3/24 7:59 AM
Wed 8/21/24 6:58 AM

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MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.