MediaSpace: Create and Edit Channels

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up and Using Channels in MediaSpace

Setting up and using channels in MediaSpace can help you organize and manage your video content effectively, especially for courses or departmental collections. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to set up and use channels, along with some best practices:

Access MediaSpace

  1. Log In to MediaSpace:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the MediaSpace tile within or use the url,
      MediaSpace tile in

Create a New Channel

  1. Navigate to Channels:
    • Click on the Channels link within the main navigation of MediaSpace.
      Channel Menu in main navigation bar.
  2. Create Channel:
    • Click the Create Channel button.
      Create a channel button.
    • Fill in the following details for your new channel:
      • Name: Provide a descriptive name for your channel.
      • Description: Write a detailed description of the channel's purpose and content.
      • Tags: Add relevant tags to help categorize and search for the channel.
      • Privacy Settings: Choose the appropriate privacy level for your channel:
        • Open: All logged in users can view and contribute content (contribution is not allowed for viewer-role users).
        • Restricted: All logged in users can view content and only channel members can contribute content.
        • Private: Only channel members can view and contribute content.
        • Shared Repository - Only channel members can view and contribute content; Content may be published to other channels, according to publishing entitlements.
      • Options: Choose the appropriate settings for your channel.
        • Moderate content (Media will not appear in channel until approved by channel manager)
        • Enable comments in channel
        • Enable subscription to channel
    • Click Save to create the channel.
      Create new channel menu.

Manage Channel Members and Settings

  1. Add Members:
    • After creating the channel, you can add members by clicking on Actions followed by Configure and then navigating to the Users tab.
    • Click Add Users, enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite, and select their role (Member, Contributor, Moderator, or Manager).
      Manage channel members menu.

Add Media to the Channel

  1. Add Existing Media:
    • To add media from your existing library, go to the channel and click the Add to Channel button.
    • Select the videos you want to add by checking the boxes next to each video and clicking Publish.
  2. Upload New Media:
    • If you want to upload new media directly to the channel, click the Add New button and select Media Upload.
    • Choose the file from your computer, fill in the necessary metadata, and click Save.

Organize and Manage Channel Content

  1. Create Playlists:
    • Within a channel, you can create playlists to further organize your content.
    • Go to the channel, click on Actions followed by Create Channel Playlist
      Actions menu and Create Channel Playlist button.
    • Add video to channel playlist by clicking the + icon next to a video in your My Media Library.
      Add videos to channel playlist
  2. Edit Channel Content:
    • To edit or remove content from the channel, click on Actions followed by Configure.  You will then be given the options to:
      Actions menu and Configure Channel Button
      1. Remove video from the channel
      2. Edit the Video
      3. Embed Video
        Edit Playlists tab

Moderate Channel Content

Share Your Channel

Copy and Share Channel URL:

  • To share your channel, go to the channel page and copy the URL from web browser's address bar.
  • You can share this link via email, Canvas, post it on your website, etc.

Best Practices for Using Channels in MediaSpace

  1. Consistent Naming Conventions:
    • Use clear and consistent naming conventions for channels and media titles to make content easily recognizable and searchable.
  2. Detailed Descriptions and Tags:
    • Write detailed descriptions and use relevant tags for channels and videos. This improves searchability and helps users understand the content.
  3. Organize with Playlists:
    • Use playlists within channels to organize content by topic, module, or sequence. This helps viewers navigate and consume content systematically.
  4. Regular Updates and Maintenance:
    • Keep your channel content up-to-date. Regularly review and update media to ensure relevance and accuracy.
  5. Engage Your Audience:
    • Encourage interaction by enabling comments and discussions within the channel. Respond to questions and feedback to foster a sense of community.
  6. Monitor Analytics:
    • Use MediaSpace’s analytics to track viewer engagement and performance. This data can inform content improvements and highlight popular topics.
  7. Promote Your Channel:
    • Promote your channel through emails, newsletters, and social media to increase visibility and engagement.
  8. Set Clear Permissions:
    • Clearly define roles and permissions for channel members to manage content effectively and maintain control over who can add or modify media.


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Article ID: 151466
Thu 5/23/24 6:56 AM
Wed 8/7/24 12:36 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.