Travel Services and Report Preparation

Use this service to request a Spend Authorization or to submit a Travel Expense form. 

What is a Spend Authorization? 

A Spend Authorization (SA) is a pre-travel authorization request. 

When is it required? 

Spend Authorizations are helpful in planning any travel opportunities at Mines however, they are only required if you are travelling internationally or using sponsored research funds (Grant Worktag). 

What is a Travel Expense form? 

A travel expense form is how you report your expenses related to travel and get reimbursed for out of pocket expenses. 

Both a Spend Authorization and Travel Expense form can be completed by an employee in Workday, or our MAPS Team is happy to collect all of the information and submit these on your behalf. 

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Service ID: 53046
Wed 7/12/23 5:53 PM
Tue 8/29/23 3:12 PM