How-To: Request Compensation Change

  1. To change the compensation rate for a student employee, first you will type their name in the Workday search bar and hit Enter. Click on the employee's name to access their profile.

  2. From the worker profile, click the Actions button below their name.

  3. Click Actions > Compensation > Request Compensation Change

  4. On the pop-up screen, enter an effective date for the change. The system will automatically default to the next pay period. Modify this date if needed. (Minimum wage increase MUST be effective 01/01/2024)

  5. On the next screen, enter the reason for the compensation change by selecting the appropriate choice under Request Compensation Change > Base Salary Change
    (If updating the hourly rate due to the Colorado minimum wage increase, use the reason shown below.)

  6. Scroll to the section labeled "Hourly" and update the hourly rate for the student.
    NOTE: if the change is due to the Colorado minimum wage increase, the pay rate must be at least $14.81/hour.

  7. Review the information for accuracy and click Submit in the bottom left. The page will refresh, and you should see a pop-up box stating your changes have been submitted. If you would like to review the information, or see where the process will go next, you can click View Details on the pop-up and review.
    NOTE: all approvals must be complete for the change to take effect.