Course Evaluations: Verify Your Course and Access Course Evaluations

Step-by-Step Guide to Verifying that your Course is Being Evaluated and Accessing Evaluations

To verify the course section(s) that you are enrolled in to be evaluated for Fall 2024, complete the following steps: 

1. Access Canvas as Usual

Log into Canvas (

Click the Account icon in the left navigation menu 

Click the Profile menu link 

2. Click the Course Evaluations menu link in the left-hand navigation bar in Canvas

Course Evaluations button within course navigation.


3. Ensure that you have "instructor" selected from the drop-down menu on the right. 

Instructor role display.


4. Select the current semester evaluation project

Current Semester text heading.

5. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the [ProjectName] (Lecture, Lab/Studio) to see the list of included courses for that particular project 

Project magnifying icon.

6. Now you will see a list of courses you're being evaluated for

Evaluation course list.

7. If you are not sure you're being evaluated for the correct course, submit a request here: Course Evaluation Request