MediaSpace: Video Hotspots

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Video Hotspots in MediaSpace

Creating video hotspots in MediaSpace is an excellent way to enhance interactive video content by embedding clickable areas within a video that can link to additional information, resources, or external websites. This feature can significantly improve viewer engagement and provide a richer learning experience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create video hotspots within MediaSpace, along with some best practices for their effective use.

Access MediaSpace

  1. Log In to MediaSpace:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the MediaSpace tile within or use the url,
      MediaSpace tile within

Select a Video

  1. Navigate to Your Video:
    • Click on My Media to access your video library.
      My Media linking within MediaSpace main navigation.
    • Select the video you want to enhance with hotspots by clicking on its title.

Open the Video Editor

  1. Launch the Video Editor:
    • Beneath the video player, click on the Actions drop-down menu.
    • Select Launch Editor to open the video editing interface.
      Launch Editor option within the Actions drop-down menu.

Add Hotspots

  1. Access the Hotspot Tool:
    • Within the video editor, locate and select the Hotspots tool from the menu options.
      Hotspots button within the Video Editor
  2. Create Hotspots:
    • Play the video and pause at the time you want to add a hotspot.
    • Click on the Video to create a new hotspot and resize or move the hotspot to the desired location on the video.
      Click within the video player to add a hotspot.
    • Enter a Text Description as well as the URL or Time in this Video you want the hotspot to link to.
      Hotspot options menu.

Configure Hotspot Settings

  1. Customize Appearance:
    • Click on Advanced Settings to further configure your hotspot.
    • Customize the hotspot’s appearance, such as its Text Color & Size, Roundness, Background Color, Position, etc. to make it noticeable without disrupting the video content.
      Hotspot advanced settings.

Preview and Adjust

  1. Preview Your Hotspots:
    • Preview the video within the editor to see how the hotspots work in real-time. Ensure that they are correctly timed and placed as intended.
    • Make any necessary adjustments to optimize visibility and functionality.

Save and Publish

  1. Save Your Changes:

    • Once you are satisfied with the placement and functionality of the hotspots, click Save to apply the changes.
  2. Test the Video:

    • Ensure the video is published with the new hotspots active, so viewers can interact with them.

Best Practices for Using Video Hotspots in MediaSpace

  • Strategic Placement: Place hotspots at strategic points in the video where additional context or resources can enhance understanding. Avoid overcrowding the video with too many hotspots.

  • Clear Call to Action: Make sure each hotspot has a clear and concise call to action. Viewers should understand what to expect when they click on a hotspot.

  • Keep Mobile Users in Mind: Ensure hotspots are large enough to be easily clickable on mobile devices.

  • Test on Multiple Devices: Preview your hotspots on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and functionality.

  • Analytics Tracking: Utilize MediaSpace analytics to track interactions with your hotspots. This data can help you understand viewer preferences and improve future video content.

  • Update Regularly: Keep the linked content from hotspots up-to-date to maintain relevance and accuracy over time.

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Article ID: 152805
Wed 9/4/24 6:39 AM
Wed 9/4/24 7:18 AM