Tech Fee Proposal Submission

Fall 2024 Tech Fee Cycle

  • Daily Blast Announcements: March 5 - April 3
  • Proposal Due Date: April 3, 11:59 PM Mountain Time
  • Question & Answer Period: April 8 - 26
  • Award Letters: 2nd Week of May

Tech Fee proposals are submitted via OnBase.  The overall process is as follows:

  1. Daily Blast announcing 'Call For Proposals' with a due date for proposal submission.
  2. Using the OnBase Tech Fee proposal resource, submitters create their proposal(s) including uploading of vendor quotes, etc.
  3. After the submission period, Committee members review proposals and use the OnBase tool to ask questions of proposal writers.  Notification of questions from the committee, and subsequent answers from proposal writers is by e-mail from within the OnBase tool.
  4. Once the Question and Answer period is complete, committee members rank all proposals in preparation for the award meeting.
  5. The award meeting occurs, where proposals are approved or denied.  E-mail notification is sent to proposal writers informing them of the status.
How to submit your proposal

You can use the steps below, or go directly to the form by using this link.

Use the 'save and submit later' option if you need more time to complete the form.
If you need to make changes after your proposal has been submitted, please send an email to

1.  Log in to using your Mines username and password. 

2.  Find and click on the "OnBase" icon.

3.  Once logged in to OnBase, in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, below the 'New Form' hamburger (1), type
     'Technology Fee' (without quotes) in the search box (2), and click on 'IT-Technology Fee Request Form' (3):


4.  Complete the online form to submit your proposal. Please note to follow all the guidelines as outlined at 

Form/Fields Legend

  1. Select the correct term from the drop-down menu (Spring proposals are submitted Fall of the previous year, Fall proposals are submitted the Spring of the same year).
  2. Title of the proposal. Please include the Department code as the first part of the title ("PH - " for Physics, "ITS - " for ITS, etc.).
  3. Select the appropriate department from the drop-down.
  4. Yes or no from the drop-down.
  5. Executive summary of the request. Be as detailed as possible in this field to 'sell' your proposal
  6. List Student/Lab initiatives, courses, etc. that will benefit from the proposal in this field
  7. Proposal writer/submitter e-mail address (note First Name and Last Name fields will auto-populate based on e-mail)
  8. This section is where you list line items, cost, quantity, Direct Department match, and Other Contributions (vendor discounts, etc.).  To add additional lines, click on the 'Add' button on the right of the 'Detailed Budget' header section
  9. Add supporting documentation, vendor quotes, Department Head recommendations/ranking, etc.
  10. Narrative - this is where you really 'sell' your proposal to committee members.  Write this to an audience that has little/no knowledge of your proposal, and try to think of questions they may ask, and answer them as part of your narrative (there will be a Question/Answer period as part of the entire process, after submissions have closed and the committee reviews.  Those questions will be sent to proposal writers via this OnBase tool).
  11. Here you have the option to submit your final proposal, or save for now and return later to submit
  12. Save Changes






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Fri 9/24/21 6:29 AM
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