Finding All My Grants, Projects & Operating Accounts


Whether to confirm that all Driver Worktags have been correctly reassigned to a new Department Head or to try to find all Driver Worktags managed by your department; it can be helpful to know how to see all the Grants, Projects, and Operating Accounts that are assigned to the same position.

To identify this population there are two types of reports within Workday that can be used. This article will include step-by-step information on how to use each of these report types. If you have additional questions or need to request a security change, use the links below.

Helpful Links:

The Two Methods:

  • Using the Balance Reports, these reports are linked on the Financial Dashboard within Workday. There is one report for each: Grant, Cash Project, Foundation Project, and Operating Account.
  • Using the Grant, Project & Operating Account Data Validation Reports. Anyone with the Finance Auditor Report View access in Workday should be able to view these. If you do not have this access, please see the links above to request access.  

Balance Report Method:

For this method, it is important to remember that there are four Balance Reports, one for each of the following: Grants, Cash Projects, Foundation Projects, & Operating Accounts.

  1. To access any of the balance reports go to your left-hand Menu on the Workday home screen and click on the Financials Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the section titled "My Funds or All Funds Balance Report" and select the applicable Balance Report.
    • RPT028_1 Grants Balance Report
      • For Grants/Awards (Driver Worktags beginning with a “4”)
    • RPT028_2 Cash Project Balance Report
      • For Cash Projects (Driver Worktags beginning with a “1”, “27” or a “3”)
    • RPT028_3 Foundation Gifts (Budgeted) Balance Report
      • For Driver Worktags beginning with a “6”.
    • RPT028_4 Operating Account Balance Report
      • For Driver Worktags typically beginning with a “2”
  3. Once you have selected the correct balance report, a window for report filters will pop up. The necessary information will be similar for all balance reports, but the order they appear in may differ. The following fields will need to be filled out:
    • Period This will auto-populate to the current period when the report is run, this does not need to be changed.
    • Time Period- This will auto-populate and should not be changed.  
    • To identify the common individual one of the three fields listed below must be filled out:
      • Principal Investigator- Only used for RPT028_1 (Grants) and will be the last filter field on the report filter window.
      • Project Approver- Used on RPT028_2 (Cash Projects) where it will be the first filter field AND on RPT028_3 (Foundation) where it will be the top two filter fields. The individuals name will need to be listed in both fields titled “CF-LRV-Project Approver”                                                            
      • Operating Account Manager- Only used for RPT_4 (Operating Accounts), should appear as the top two filter fields. The individuals name will need to be listed in both fields titled “CF-LRV-Operating Account Manager”
    • Budget Structure- This is only applicable for RPT028_4 (Operating Accounts) & RPT028_3 (Foundation). The field will auto-populate and should not be changed.              
  4. To run this report, click ok.
  5. The Balance Report should open automatically and should include a record for each Grant/Project/Operating Account manager by the individual specified in step three. For future reference this report can be downloaded as a PDF or Excel File.                                                                                          

FDM Data Validation Report Method:

Similarly to the method above, multiple reports will need to be pulled, there is a report for each, Grants, Projects, and Operating Accounts. Anyone with the Finance Auditor Report View access in Workday should be able to view these reports. If access is required, submit a request using the links in the Helpful Links section above.

  1. To access these reports, the Workday Search Bar must be used. To ensure the correct report is selected it is recommended to copy and paste the report name from the list below.
    • For Grants: FDM Data Validation - Grants - Campus Copy
    • For All Projects: FDM Data Validation - Projects - Campus Copy
    • For Operating Accounts: FDM Data Validation - Operating Accounts - Campus Copy

Unlike the previous method, none of the FDM Data Validation Reports can be filtered by a specific individual before they are run. For this method the reports will be run first and then either filtered within Workday or extracted as an excel file and then filtered.

  1. Select the appropriate report, the reporting filters available and the way to run the report will change for each of the three listed above, see details below.
    • For Grants: FDM Data Validation - Grants - Campus Copy
      • A Report Filter window will pop up, the fields can be left blank and simply click, Ok. The Report should open up automatically.
    • For All Projects: FDM Data Validation - Projects - Campus Copy
      • A Report Filter window will pop up, the fields can be left blank, but it is recommended to fill out Project Status field and only select Active. Also, Projects and Project Hierarchies & Include Subordinate Project Hierarchies will auto-populate and should not be changed. Once you confirm the fields are completed correctly, simply click, Ok. The Report should open up automatically.
    • For Operating Accounts: FDM Data Validation - Operating Accounts - Campus Copy
      • No additional filtering is available for this report. As soon as you select the report it will automatically open.
  2. The reports will show in Workday as a table that can be sorted and filtered based on the data in each column. The report can also be downloaded as an Excel File which is the recommended method for ease of sorting, filtering, saving for future reference, or submitting a request for updates.              

What do I do if the Grant/Project/Operating Account is blank or has the wrong Principal Investigator/Project Approver/Operating Account Manager?

If any Driver Worktags are missing or are incorrectly assigned submit a request using the links in the Helpful Links section above. When submitting this request please attach an excel extract from the applicable report, regardless of the method above that is used, and then highlight the Driver Worktags that need to be adjusted and indicate the correct/new Principal Investigator/Project Approver/Operating Account Manager.