You add, edit, or remove Period Activity Pay using the “Manage Period Activity Pay” business process. Below is the screen you will see when you manage Period Activity Pay. Please be sure to complete each column from left to right. As you fill in fields the subsequent fields auto-populate. For example, once you select an Activity then the Units column auto-populates. Towards the top left of the screen, use the plus icon (+) to add rows as needed. Once Period Activity Pay is added, you also have the option to click a minus icon (-) to delete a row.

- In Workday, search for and select the Employee.
- From their employee profile, click Actions, hover on Compensation, and click Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments.
- On the next page, select and fill out the following details:
- Effective Date: Ensure the correct date is populated.
- Employee: The name defaults based on your previous selection. Do not change this field.
- Position: Only positions applicable to the employee display in the menu. Select the applicable position that Period Activity Pay should be added for. Positions with a (+) sign means it’s an additional job. The Position without a (+) sign indicates the primary job. Select the appropriate position.
- Academic Period: Select the applicable period from the menu.
- Period Activity Pay Matrix: This field defaults from the Academic Appointment. Leave as is.
- Click OK.
- In the Reason field, select Period Activity > Add Activity Pay > New Assignment.
- Click OK.
- Continue with the remaining steps in this user guide to help you complete each column on the Period Activity Pay screen.
Activity Column
- Select the appropriate Activity from the list. From the menu, you can select the Category then the Type.
- In the Task field, type in the appropriate course number and select from the list to assign Period Activity Pay to a course.
- If needed, enter a Comment. Please add a detailed comment justifying the requested pay.
Activity Dates Column
- In the Activity Dates section, enter the dates of the activity will take place.
- If applicable, select the Use as Payment Date Range checkbox.
Reportable Hours Column-Optional (can be skipped)
- In the Reportable Hours section, enter the weekly hours or contract hours.
- The Total Service Hours for Activity Period will automatically calculate.
Units Column
- Under the Units section, enter the Quantity.
- The Assigned Unit Rate auto-populates based on previous selections. If it does not, continue to the Compensation column to enter a total amount manually.
Compensation Column
- The Total Amount field may auto-populate based on previous selections. If not, enter the applicable total compensation amount (e.g., contract amount).
- If you need to add split costing/costing overrides, click Costing Overrides (0 button). Add the applicable Grant, Cost Center, Fund, and/or Program. The total percent for all costing must add up to 100.
Payments Column
- The Start and End dates automatically populate based on the Activity Start and End dates.
- If needed, check the Do Not Pay checkbox.
Attachments Section
- Upload an attachment by clicking Select Files and selecting files from your computer. (Special Note: Grant, Project and Operating Account Worktags will have an approval triggered,)
- Click Submit.
Note: The process automatically routes to the approver.
- In Workday, search for and select the Employee.
- From their employee profile, click Actions, hover on Compensation, and click Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments.
- Enter the Effective Date.
- In the Employee field, the name auto-populates based on your previous selections.
- In the Academic Period field, select the appropriate period from the menu.
- The Period Activity Rate Matrix field auto-populates based on previous selections.
- Click OK.
- Select an appropriate Reason for making the change.
- Edit or delete any necessary fields.
- Upload an attachment by clicking Select Files and selecting files from your computer.
- Click Submit.
Note: The process automatically routes to the approver.