Annual Foundation & Professional Development Certification

Each year all Professional Development & Foundation Projects must be certified by the current Project Approver. Project Approvers are certifying that all financial activity from the previous fiscal year followed Mines Financial Policy and any specific purpose and or restrictions of the applicable Foundation gift.

Moving forward these certification requests are being sent as a single email based on the Project Approver. A separate email will be sent to the Project Approver and their supervisor to review any projects that ended in deficit in the prior year. 

Also new moving forward, Project Approvers are responsible for reviewing all the financial activity within Workday. There are two methods we recommend for reviewing this activity which are detailed below, and can be accessed using the information provided in the email sent by the General Accounting team. A sample of the email that will be sent is at the bottom of the page. 

Review Expense Activity using the Workday Balance Reports

For this method, it is important to remember that there are separate Balance Reports for Foundation Projects and Professional Development Projects. You can identify the project type by looking at the Project Name or Number. Foundation Projects will always begin with a "6" and Professional Development projects begin with a "1". 

  1. To access any of the balance reports go to your left-hand Menu on the Workday home screen and click on the Financials Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the section titled "My Funds or All Funds Balance Report"
    • For Foundation Projects select the report titled "RPT028_3 - Foundation Gifts (Budgeted) Balance Report (AFBR | My Funds)"
    • For Professional Development Projects select the report titled "RPT028_2 - Cash Project Balance Report (AFBR | My Funds)"
  3. Once you have selected the correct balance report, a window for report filters will pop up. The necessary information will be similar for either balance report. 
    • Adjust the Period field by typing in "2024" and then select "2024 - P12 - Jun". 
    • In the Project Worktag field type in the 6-digit project numbers for each of the projects you need to review. Multiple projects can be input as long as they are all the same type and on the applicable balance report. We recommend manually entering each project instead of using the Project Approver field to avoid pulling in additional projects that do not need to certified. 
  4. After you have adjusted the Period and Project Worktag fields click OK. 
  5. The Balance Report should open with rows that can be expanded for each of the Projects listed on the report prompt in step three. For more information on how to read the balance reports you can download the applicable balance diagrams connected to this article. 
  6. The Balance Report shows the sum of activity by type (Revenue, Expense, Transfer etc.) but not the specific transactions that must be reviewed. To see the transaction level detail you can click on any of the values that appear in blue and a pop-up window will appear showing all the transactions for that category. This can be viewed within Workday or exported to Excel for easier viewing. 
    • Note, one of the advantages of viewing this within Workday is that you can further drill down into a transaction and see the operational details and applicable documentation. If you do this, it is recommended to right-click and select the option to open the specific transaction in a new tab to avoid losing the current report.  If you view the data in Excel, you can "drill down" on a specific transaction by searching for the transaction by the document number in the Workday search bar. 

Review Expense Activity using the Find Journal Lines Report

This second method is ideal if you prefer to view data in Excel and or want to see all financial activity, regardless of type, at once. 

  1. To access the report type "Find Journal Lines - Reference ID - Campus Copy" into the main Workday search bar. Once you select the report a prompt window will open and the following fields will need to be completed as described below: 
    • Company: Colorado School of Mines
    • Year: 2024
    • Period: P12 - Jun
    • Ledger: Actuals
    • Book: Common Book
    • Status: Posted
    • Ledger Account Type: (Select all three) Revenue, Transfer, Expense
    • Worktags: This is where you will enter the Project Number(s). You can pull the report one project at a time or all at once and then filter the actual data once pulled. 
  2. Once all the fields have been filled out click OK and a report will open. This can be viewed within Workday and filtered by clicking on any of the column headers or it can be extracted to Excel for easier viewing of the transactions. For more information on how to read the report please download the Find Journal Lines diagram connected to this article. 
    • Note, unlike the balance report, this report's data is not summarized so each record/line represents a transaction. If you choose to review within Workday and want to drill down to see more information for a specific transaction, it is recommended to right-click on the record and select the option to see in a new tab to avoid losing the current report. If you view the data in Excel, you can "drill down" on a specific transaction by searching for the transaction by the document number in the Workday search bar. 

After the financial activity has been reviewed, please reply directly to the email sent by the General Accounting team. See an example of the email below. 

  • If you want to certify that all the financial activity for all of the projects included on the email are compliant with Financial Policy and applicable Gift restrictions, reply Approved to the email. 
  • If you only want to certify specific projects, reply with a list of the projects that are approved and status update on the remaining projects. 
  • If you were contacted about projects that you currently manage but did not oversee during the period of financial activity please work with the prior Project Approver or reply directly to the email and the General Accounting team will work with you directly. 
  • If you have questions about specific transactions or projects, reply directly to the email with a brief explanation of what you would like help with and the General Accounting team will work with you directly. 

Email Example