Grants Balance Report (AFBR | My Funds)

The purpose of this procedure is to provide navigation information for the Grants Balance Report (AFBR | My Funds) in WorkDay. It outlines how to view My Funds, expense details, and salary details.

Please note these reports are still in progress while we figure out how to get to details with one click rather than multiple clicks within the system. The WorkDay report writing team is grateful for your patience in advance.

Let’s dig in!

Click here for FY End Procedures

View My Funds

  1. Go to your left-hand Menu and click on the Financials Dashboard

  2. All four AFBR reports are live. For the purpose of this guide, the following project hierarchies are included in this report. You must indicate a grant/award worktag, cost center, fund and/or a principal investigator in the prompts. Running without these will cause the report not to expand due to data limitations.
  3. Click on the link “RPT028_1 - Grants Balance Report (AFBR | My Funds)”

    Below is an explanation of each Prompt and Report.

    My Grant Funds: This is the Balance Report for Grants and Awards which includes all Awards and corresponding Worktags. The report identifies Budget to Actuals. If an expense has not occurred on a Grant worktag, no data will populate.

    The prompt page consists of 6 ways to run the report. You can search for multiple items under awards, worktags, cost centers as well as Principal Investigator. Required prompts are Period and Time period. Defaults are set to show all activity from start date to current date.

    *Period and Time Period Examples:

    To view a list of awards by investigator (equivalent to AFBR-L1), enter name in Principal Investigator field.

    To view a high-level summary of a specific award (equivalent of AFBR-L2), click the Expand arrow to the left of the Grant number (don’t click the blue grant number itself)

    Click on the blue hyperlinks in the Budget, Commitments and Obligations, Actuals, or Available Balance columns to drill down to the details.

    Please note, you have to dig further to get your payroll results (details below). Easier drill down functionality will be released in a later version.

    If you click on the hyperlink total for “Expenses,” a new window will open with just the detailed expenses. If you click on the total expenses at the top, the drill down will return all expenses (similar to AFBR-L4). If you click on an individual ledger accounts total, it will only return the details for that ledger account (similar to AFBR - L3).

    A sample drill down and field explanations are provided below:


Fiscal Year End Close Procedures

During FY close, the prepopulated prompts will change. Just as we did with My Funds in Cognos and Trailhead, we will hard code these in to end 06/30 of that year. You can change the prompts to current year however, budget may not be loaded and ending balances may change slightly.

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