Budget Reports and Processes - Workday Training Document for Campus Users
- Definition of Terms
- RPT001 - Company Budget vs Actual YTD - Operating
- All Positions Restrictions Costing Allocation
- All Worker Costing Allocation
- Finding Open Positions in Org Chart / RPT507 - Budget All Positions
- Find a Position within a Department
- Current Worker Detail Report
- Request Cash Transfer
- Request Budget Amendment
The below terms outline the fields to populate in the various Workday screens.
Company = Colorado School of Mines
Budget Structure = Operating Budget Structure
Budget Name = The Fiscal Year you are wanting to review
Period = the fiscal year period you wish to review. We recommend always selecting through the period Mines to give the most up-to-date data.
i.e., if it is September 1, 2023, you would select 2024 – P02 – Aug
Worktag = The worktag you want to review.
- If you forget the worktag number, you can search in the worktag box by typing in the name of the worktag.
- If you select multiple worktags at a time, the report will populate the budget and actual expenses for the chosen worktags.
For a complete walkthrough on using the RPT001: Company Budget vs Actual YTD-Operating report in Workday, including detailed instructions and tips, please visit this guide.
This report shows the worktag mapping of a position number of where payment is for a new hire. This report is for unfilled vacant positions.

- Position numbers are in the Position Resrictions Column.
- The worktag the position will post to is in the Costing Worktag column. The distribution percent column shows the percentage of the position pay posting to each worktag.
To search for a specific position, click on the word Position Restrictions. The filter option in the image below will appear. You can search the Value* Box using the Position Number, P1xxxxxxx, or the Position Title. Click filter and review the worktag in the Costing Worktag column.

This report shows which worktag mapping for a position number for a current employee. This report is for active employees.

- Employee is in the Worker column.
- Position number is in the Position column
- The worktag position will post to is in the Costing Worktag column. The distribution percent column shows the percentage of the position pay posting to each worktag.
Similar to the All Position Restrictions Costing Allocation Report. You can filter this report to see the worktag(s) an employee posts to. Depending on your information, you can search on either the Worker column or the Position column. Again, click on the word Woker or Position to filter the report.

To see ALL positions within a department (results will be all position statuses and include all staff, faculty, students, research faculty, adjuncts, and other roles).
Prompt Screen:

Seeing people currently working in the department will give ALL employees presently attached to the department.
Prompt Screen:

If you want to see the primary employees, select the Organization with the Director or Department Head's name after it (Note: All employees in the department with an FTE should show in the Organization List):

Alternative to RPT507, you can view all positions within a supervisory organization (including open roles) by reviewing the Team Org Chart from your profile.

- Search for yourself to view your own profile. Click on "Team".
- The Org Chart will appear, scroll up or down to explore. The yellow arrow indicates the person supervises staff.

- If there are vacancies on the team, rather than a name, the position number and title will be visible followed by the word (Unfilled)
- You can change the information of your query by clicking on the filter icon:

- You can export the data or work within WD's version of Excel (these icons are on the upper right of the report data).

- If you click on one of the report headers, a filter option opens:

You can use RPT507 – Budget All Positions to find position numbers within your organization. To find just one position, search for the employee profile, go to job, and then see the position number and title.

To see open positions under a specific supervisor, search the supervisor in Workday and click on the team, and it will take you to open and filled positions under the supervisor.

You can use this report to view all the employees within a department. When the privileged session warning pops up, click okay.
The report shows helpful fields such as:
- Employee ID (formerly CWID)
- Name
- Business Title
- Supervisor
- Salary or hourly rate
The only required prompt is your department Organization. Security will only allow you to see your department.

If you want to download this document to Excel, click the export to Excel button on the far right.

- Evaluate if a Cash Transfer is needed and appropriate. Cash Transfers typically occur in three ways:
- The department anticipates a deficit and requests a cash transfer from another Worktag
- Budget analysis determines a transfer is necessary (Telecom, tech fee, labor reconciliation)
- Beginning or YE transfer determined by Budget.
- A Cash Transfer does not necessarily need to be requested to cover a deficit. For example, the Rec Center Fee Funded Worktag receives all the revenue for student fees. Annually, there are cash transfers from the Rec Center Fee Funded Worktag to all the Rec Center programs (Wellness, Outdoor Rec, Club Sports, Intramurals, or other areas).
- Review the worktag budget to determine the required cash transfer (RPT 001, 525, All Funds Balance Report)
- Work with your Budget Analyst before requesting the cash transfer to confirm if it is appropriate instead of requesting a budget amendment, which your Budget Analyst completes.
- Either department or Budget will Email CO-Accounting@mines.edu
- Explanation of the cash transfer
- CC your Budget Analyst
- The worktag where the cash transfer is originating.
- Example: Please transfer from worktag 210294
- The worktag receiving the cash transfer.
- Example: To worktag 210294
- The amount of the cash transfer
- Example: Please transfer $5,000 from 123456 to 789101 to cover Online Course Development of Course CSMxxx
- Evaluate if a Budget Amendment is needed and appropriate. A Budget Amendment typically occurs due to:
- The department anticipates a deficit in one ledger summary and a surplus in another.
- Example: The student hourly budget is in a deficit, but the department has extra operating budget
- Budget will process a Budget Amendment to move the budget from one ledger summary to another.
- Another department (and therefore worktag) is contributing a portion of their budget for an initiative.
- Budget will review both worktags and confirm that the worktags are the same funding source.
- If the funding sources are the same, Budget will process a Budget Amendment from one worktag to the other,
- If the funding sources differ, meaning one is general funds and one is SB03 funds, Budget will work with the department to identify other ways to accomplish the goal.
- One option is moving a portion of the expense off one worktag and onto another.