Benefits Enrollment for New Employees

Benefits Enrollment for New Employees

Log in to Workday

  1. Log in to with your Mines username and password.
  2. Click on the Workday application tile

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  3. You can also access workday directly by going to in your web browser.  Upon doing so, you may be prompted to log in with your Mines username and password.

Accessing Workday Benefits Elections

  1. Within Workday, go to your Inbox and then select the task, Change Benefits for Life Event and then click on Let's Get Started.

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  2. After you've attended a benefits orientation session, you will be able to use this screen to select your benefits.

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  3. Go through each benefits tile to make sure that you've made all of your desired elections.  Otherwise, you will need to have a qualifying life event take place or you will need to wait for the next open enrollment period to make different elections.

Making Elections

  1. Select the benefits tile you wish to elect and click on Manage.

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    Note: Medical and Dental plans will be automatically enrolled because they are 100% employer paid.
  2. Select the plan you wish to elect and waive any plans you do not wish to elect and click Confirm.

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  3. If you wish to add dependents to your benefits plan, click the Add New Dependent button.

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  4. On the following pop-up screen, you may choose Use as Beneficiary and then click OK. This will add your dependents to a list of eligible beneficiaries when you go to assign them.

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  5. On the Add My Dependent Form Enrollment, be sure to include information into all fields marked with a red asterisk.  *

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  6. To add dependent verification documents, click on the Add button within the National IDs section.

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    Note: These verification documents can include Marriage Licenses, Civil Union Licenses, Common Law Affidavits, a Birth Certificate for a child, etc.
  7. Once the form is completed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.
  8. Enter your dependents Social Security Number and then click Save.

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  9. To add additional dependents, follow these steps again and click the Add New Dependent Button to initiate the process.  Be sure to enter each additional dependent's Social Security Number if they are a U.S. citizen.

Making Additional Elections

  1. For each additional benefits election you wish to make, select the appropriate tile and click Manage to initiate the election process.

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  2. Follow the same steps you did while electing your previous benefits, including adding dependents and beneficiaries when applicable.
  3. Continue to do this for all plans you wish to enroll in for your new hire event.

Flex Accounts

  1. If you wish to create a Flex Spending Account, you can either specify how much you want deducted from each paycheck or you can specify how much you want deducted annually and your deduction will be divided monthly by the remaining number of pay periods in the year.

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Voluntary Life Employee & Spouse

  1. To enroll in the Voluntary Life Insurance benefit, navigate to the Voluntary Life Employee and select Enroll.

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  2. Next, choose Select.
  3. Select your beneficiaries and percentages of benefits if applicable.
  4. Once you are enrolled and if you plan on enrolling your spouse, navigate to the the Voluntary Life Spouse tile and select Enroll. 
    Spousal coverage cannot exceed your employee coverage amount.

Voluntary AD&D Employee & Spouse

  1. To enroll in the Voluntary AD&D Insurance benefit, navigate to the Voluntary AD&D Employee and select Enroll.

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  2. Choose the amount of coverage you want.
  3. Select your beneficiaries and percentages of benefits if applicable.
  4. Once you are enrolled and if you plan on enrolling your spouse, navigate to the the Voluntary AD&D Spouse tile and select Enroll. 
    Spousal coverage cannot exceed your employee coverage amount.

Critical Illness

  1. To enroll in the Critical Illness benefit, navigate to the Critical Illness and select Enroll.

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  2. Select yourself and then Confirm and Continue.
  3. Choose the amount of coverage you would like and click Save.
  4. Once you are enrolled and if you plan on enrolling dependents, navigate to the the Critical Illness tile and select Enroll. 
  5. Select your dependents and click Confirm and Continue.
  6. Choose the amount of coverage you would like for your spouse or other dependents. and click Save.


  1. To enroll in 401(k), navigate to the 401(k) tile and select Enroll.

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  2. On the next screen, choose the Select option and the Confirm and Continue.
  3. Choose to contribute either an Amount ($) or a Percentage (%) and then click Save.
  4. The contribution amount will be reflected upon your 401(k) benefits tile.

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  1. To enroll in 403(b), navigate to the 403(b) Plan - Roth tile and select Enroll.

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  2. On the next screen, choose the Select option and the Confirm and Continue.
  3. Choose to contribute either an Amount ($) or a Percentage (%) and then click Save.
  4. The contribution amount will be reflected upon your 403(b) benefits tile.

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Submitting Benefits

  1. The elections and changes you have made so far have not yet been submitted to the benefits department.  To do so, scroll down to the bottom of the Benefits Elections page and click Review and Sign.

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  2. If you forgot to add your beneficiaries, you will receive a prompt asking you to do so.  Once beneficiaries have been added, you may proceed.
  3. On the follow screen, you will be presented with a list of benefits that you have elected.  This will include information such as Coverage Begin Date, Deduction Begin Date, Coverage, Dependents, Beneficiaries, and Cost.
  4. If your benefits elections are correct, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the I Accept checkbox to serve as your electronic signature.

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  5. Click Submit to complete the benefits elections process.
  6. After you submit your benefits elections, you will have a View 20XX Benefits Statement button you can click on to view a receipt of your benefits.

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  7. To view your benefits in the future, go back to the Workday Homepage, then Click on Menu, and select Benefits.

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