The Supplier must be created and available in Workday with the Payment Terms/Type defined ahead of processing the Supplier Invoice. Supplier Invoices require both Memo Line Information and an Attachment.
Find Purchase Orders
- Click on the Search bar, enter Find Purchase Orders, and select the report.
- Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Company.(Colorado School of Mines)
- Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Supplier.
- Using the Prompt icon, populate any additional fields (Ensure Document Date On or After is early enough to pickup desired Purchase Order.)
- Click OK.
- Click on the Related Actions of the Purchase Order, select Supplier Invoice > Create.
- Invoice Information
- If default payment type Check, populate the Remit-to Connection Field (Default under Terms and Taxes)
- Select an Invoice Date. This will automatically populate with today’s date.
- Make the required changes.
- Change Due Date Override if check date is required earlier than Due Date indicates based on Invoice Date and Payment Terms
Terms and Taxes
- The Payment Terms automatically populates based on the Supplier Details. Using the Prompt icon, update this field, if required.
- The Default Payment Type automatically populates based on the Supplier Details. Click on the Related Actions icon to view more details.
Invoice Reference Information
- Enter the Supplier’s Invoice Number.
- Select the appropriate Handling Code if required.
- If Funding approval is obtained through TDNext Ticket, select TDX Approval – United States of America in the Statutory Invoice Type field
Invoice Lines Tab
- Review the Invoice Lines tab.
- Using the Prompt icon, make any required changes in the relevant fields, if required.
- Enter a new Line Item Memo, if required.
- Using the Prompt icon, populate the relevant fields.
- Select the Billable checkbox, if this applies. (Applicable if PO has multiple lines)
- If required, select the Splits to split the Amount or Quantity of a line item. Use the drop-down menu to select Amount or Quantity.
- If Amount was selected, enter a Percentage or Amount.
- If Quantity was selected, enter the Value in the Quantity field.
- Enter a Memo.
- Using the Prompt icon, select the appropriate:
- Driver Worktags Additional Worktags
- Select the Billable check mark, if this applies.
- Click Done.
- Select the Attachments tab.
- Using the drag and drop functionality, add any relevant supporting documents in the Attachments box or click Select Files to choose a file from your computer, if required.
- Click Submit.
Click on the Search bar, enter Create Supplier Invoice, and select the task.
Invoice Information
- Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Company.
- Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Supplier.
- The Currency will automatically populate based on the Supplier. Using the Prompt icon, amend this, if required.
- Select an Invoice Date. This will automatically populate with today’s date.
- Using the Prompt icon, populate any additional fields, if required.
Terms and Taxes
- The Payment Terms automatically populates based on the Supplier Details. Using the Prompt icon, update this field, if required.
- The Default Payment Type automatically populates based on the Supplier Details. Click on the Related Actions icon to view more details.
Invoice Reference Information
- Enter the Supplier’s Invoice Number, if applicable.
- If Funding approval is obtained through TDNext Ticket, select TDX Approval – United States of America in the Statutory Invoice Type field
Invoice Lines Tab
- Enter item Description
- Enter Spend Category
- Enter the Quantity, if required.
- Using the Prompt icon, populate the Unit of Measure, if required .
- Enter the Unit Cost, if required. The Extended Amount will automatically populate based on the Quantity and Unit Cost values.
- Enter desired Driver Worktags
- Review the Invoice Lines tab.
- Using the Prompt icon, make any required changes in the relevant fields.
- Enter a new Line Item Memo, if required.
- Using the Prompt icon, populate the relevant fields.
- Select the Billable checkbox, if this applies.
- Click the Attachments tab.
- Using the drag and drop functionality, add any relevant supporting documents in the Attachments box or click Select Files to choose a file from your computer, if required.
- Click Submit.