Create Supplier Invoice for Purchase Orders


The Supplier must be created and available in Workday with the Payment Terms/Type defined ahead of processing the Supplier Invoice. Supplier Invoices require both Memo Line Information and an Attachment

Find Purchase Orders

  1. Click on the Search bar, enter Find Purchase Orders, and select the report.
  2. Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Company.(Colorado School of Mines)
  3. Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Supplier.
  4. Using the Prompt icon, populate any additional fields (Ensure Document Date On or After is early enough to pickup desired Purchase Order.)
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click on the Related Actions of the Purchase Order, select Supplier Invoice > Create.  
  7. Invoice Information
  8. If default payment type Check, populate the Remit-to Connection Field (Default under Terms and Taxes)
  9. Select an Invoice Date. This will automatically populate with today’s date.
  10. Make the required changes.
  • Change Due Date Override if check date is required earlier than Due Date indicates based on Invoice Date and Payment Terms

Terms and Taxes

  1. The Payment Terms automatically populates based on the Supplier Details.  Using the Prompt icon, update this field, if required.
  2. The Default Payment Type automatically populates based on the Supplier Details.  Click on the Related Actions icon to view more details.

Invoice Reference Information

  1.     Enter the Supplier’s Invoice Number.
  2.     Select the appropriate Handling Code if required.
  3.     If Funding approval is obtained through TDNext Ticket, select TDX Approval – United States of America in the Statutory Invoice Type field

Invoice Lines Tab

  1. Review the Invoice Lines tab.
  2. Using the Prompt icon, make any required changes in the relevant fields, if required.
  3. Enter a new Line Item Memo, if required.
  4. Using the Prompt icon, populate the relevant fields.
  5. Select the Billable checkbox, if this applies. (Applicable if PO has multiple lines)
  6. If required, select the Splits to split the Amount or Quantity of a line item. Use the drop-down menu to select Amount or Quantity.  
  7. If Amount was selected, enter a Percentage or Amount.
  8. If Quantity was selected, enter the Value in the Quantity field.
  9. Enter a Memo.
  10. Using the Prompt icon, select the appropriate:
  11. Driver Worktags Additional Worktags
  12. Select the Billable check mark, if this applies.
  13. Click Done.
  14. Select the Attachments tab.
  15. Using the drag and drop functionality, add any relevant supporting documents in the Attachments box or click Select Files to choose a file from your computer, if required.   
  16. Click Submit.


Click on the Search bar, enter Create Supplier Invoice, and select the task.

Invoice Information

  1. Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Company.
  2. Using the Prompt icon, select the relevant Supplier.
  3. The Currency will automatically populate based on the Supplier.  Using the Prompt icon, amend this, if required.
  4. Select an Invoice Date. This will automatically populate with today’s date.
  5. Using the Prompt icon, populate any additional fields, if required.

Terms and Taxes

  1. The Payment Terms automatically populates based on the Supplier Details.  Using the Prompt icon, update this field, if required.
  2. The Default Payment Type automatically populates based on the Supplier Details.  Click on the Related Actions icon to view more details.

Invoice Reference Information

  1. Enter the Supplier’s Invoice Number, if applicable.
  2. If Funding approval is obtained through TDNext Ticket, select TDX Approval – United States of America in the Statutory Invoice Type field

Invoice Lines Tab

  1. Enter item Description
  2. Enter Spend Category
  3. Enter the Quantity, if required.
  4. Using the Prompt icon, populate the Unit of Measure, if required .
  5. Enter the Unit Cost, if requiredThe Extended Amount will automatically populate based on the Quantity and Unit Cost values.
  6. Enter desired Driver Worktags
  7. Review the Invoice Lines tab.
  8. Using the Prompt icon, make any required changes in the relevant fields.
  9. Enter a new Line Item Memo, if required.
  10. Using the Prompt icon, populate the relevant fields.
  11. Select the Billable checkbox, if this applies.
  12. Click the Attachments tab.
  13. Using the drag and drop functionality, add any relevant supporting documents in the Attachments box or click Select Files to choose a file from your computer, if required.   
  14. Click Submit.