Sharing Files Using Microsoft OneDrive, Office365, & Google Drive


This article explains the details of how to use Microsoft's cloud-sharing and file storage solution, known as OneDrive. As a Mines student, faculty, or Staff, you will receive access to OneDrive through Microsoft's Office 365 suite.


As a Mines student, faculty, or staff, you will receive access to Google Drive as well as Microsoft OneDrive for cloud storage and file management purposes. Google Drive gives each Mines user 25 GB of shared cloud storage and OneDrive gives each Mines user 5 TB of shared cloud storage. These services can be used to send and share files and collaborate in real-time or asynchronously. This article covers file-sharing of both Google Drive and OneDrive as Mines-supported platforms.

How to Share Files with OneDrive

Depending on how you (or the person sharing the document) is accessing OneDrive, the place where you start the sharing process will vary slightly. Regular users of OneDrive may find it's best to share using the installed client application. However, this article will focus on the use of the online/web interface, since the user experience will be more consistent across devices and the instructions can be more universally applied.

To start, log on to When you enter that address in your browser, you will get prompted for your Mines username and password.

Once logged in, you can either browse or search for Microsoft Office 365 Office Portal.

Open Microsoft Office 365 Office Portal and then choose OneDrive from the app menu in the upper left-hand corner

Next, browse OneDrive for the file you wish to share and select the Share option.

Once you've selected a document to share, you will be presented with options on how to share the document and to what recipients you'd like to make the file available. If the item is sensitive in nature or if you want to ensure only specific people access the file, it's important to share only via named user opposed to a general "link". Doing this will ensure that any email that may get forwarded inadvertently containing a reference to the document will say "access denied" if a person tries to access the file but want wasn't listed specifically.

Similarly, you may wish to share the document only within the organization or wish to ensure that an login is required to access the document. In this case, you will want to choose the "Copy Link" option but will want to customize the access on the following screen, in the "Sharing Settings" menu (see below)

After selecting the option for only "People in Colorado School of Mines", you'll want to designate whether recipients will have the ability to edit by selecting the "Can edit" option under More Settings. Choose "Apply" to confirm the settings and the following screen (below) will allow you a method to deliver the file via the OneDrive link.

Although your file has been designated for sharing, you now need to deliver the file using the link. To do this, you may enter email addresses directly into the dialog box. However, a better way is to copy the link directly and paste it into an email using the client of your choice. Sharing the link in this way not only ensures you can craft a message in an application more suited to word processing but will also help manage recipients using your email address book.

Looking for more help? This (non-Mines specific) how-to video below demonstrates the process of sharing a file via OneDrive:


How to Share Files with Google Drive

To start, log on to When you enter that address in your browser, you will get prompted for your Mines username and password.

Once logged in, you can either browse or search for Google Drive.

Next, browse Google Drive for the file you wish to share and select the Share option.

Once you've selected a document to share, you will be presented with options on how to share the document and to what recipients you'd like to make the file available. If the item is sensitive in nature or if you want to ensure only specific people access the file, it's important to share only via named user opposed to a general "link". Doing this will ensure that any email that may get forwarded inadvertently containing a reference to the document will say "access denied" if a person tries to access the file but want wasn't listed specifically.

Similarly, you may wish to share the document only within the organization or wish to ensure that an login is required to access the document. In this case, you will want to choose the "Copy Link" option but will want to customize the access on the following screen, in the "General Access" settings (see below)

After selecting the option for only people at the "Colorado School of Mines", you'll want to designate whether recipients will have the ability to edit by selecting the "Editor". Choose "Done" to confirm the settings and the following screen (below) will allow you a method to deliver the file via the OneDrive link.

Although your file has been designated for sharing, you now need to deliver the file using the link. To do this, you may enter email addresses directly into the "Add people and groups" dialog box. However, a better way is to copy the link directly and paste it into an email using the client of your choice. Sharing the link in this way not only ensures you can craft a message in an application more suited to word processing but will also help manage recipients using your email address book.



Article ID: 85362
Wed 8/21/19 2:54 PM
Mon 1/8/24 8:05 AM

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