Knowledge related to the Mines campus network, both wired and wireless (including CSM Wireless, Eduroam, and CSM Guest) as well as information pertaining to connecting to the campus network from off-campus using VPN.

Articles (19)

Pinned Article GlobalProtect - Mac VPN Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

Installation, troubleshooting, and background for GlobalProtect Mines' Remote Access (VPN).

Pinned Article GlobalProtect - Windows 10 VPN Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

Installation, troubleshooting, and background for GlobalProtect Mines' Remote Access (VPN).

Connecting to wireless on campus

Instructions on how to get connected to CSMWireless, the main campus wifi.

Remote Access Instructions: MacOS VPN

In this help guide, you can learn more information on how to set up or troubleshoot connecting remotely to the Mines Campus Network with MacOS.

Remote Connectivity Help

Learn more about ways for students to improve or upgrade their internet connectivity with aide from select Internet Service Providers (ISP).

Step-by-Step: Mapping Z:, Y:, or I: File Shares on a MacOS Computer

Step-by-step instructions about how to map your Z:, Y: or I: file shares on a MacOS computer

Step-by-Step: Mapping Z:, Y:, or I: File Shares on a Windows 10 Computer

Step-by-step guide about how to map your Z:, Y: or I: file shares on a Windows 10 Computer.

Step-by-Step: Mapping Z:, Y:, or I: File Shares on an Ubuntu Computer

Step-by-step instructions about how to map your Z:, Y: or I: file shares on an Ubuntu computer.

Turn off Private Address for Mines wireless

Private address causes you to re-register on the "Mines" wireless network.

Virtual Labs - Faculty Information

Information regarding the Virtual Labs service provided by ITS

Step-by-Step: How to remotely connect from an off-campus computer to an on-campus MacOS computer.

How to remotely connect from a Windows computer to a Macintosh computer.

Connecting to eduroam

The Mines eduroam wireless network gives you an encrypted wireless connection on campus, and access to the wireless networks of other participating institutions and organizations while traveling. It can be used in place of the standard Mines campus network CSMwireless.

How do I register my computer, tablet, or phone on the campus network? I see the network but I can’t seem to connect to the internet through it.

Although Mines wired and wireless networks appear to be open (not password protected), to use them you must first "register" your computer with the network. Here's how.

Virtual Labs - Student Instructions *Outdated*

How to register, connect, use, and disconnect from the Azure VDI Infrastructure. This article is for all students using the Azure Classroom Labs.