MediaSpace: Creating Shared Repositories and Managing User Access


Setting up a shared repository in MediaSpace enables effective collaboration on video content, allowing designated team members to contribute, manage, and organize content for departments or courses.



Setting up a shared repository in MediaSpace lets team members easily collaborate on video content, giving them a central place to contribute, manage, and organize materials for courses or departments. Shared repositories keep everything in one location, making it simpler to control access, update resources, and ensure content is readily available to those who need it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Shared Repository in MediaSpace and Managing User Access

  1. Log In to MediaSpace

  2. Navigate to Channels

    • Click the Channels link in the main MediaSpace navigation.
      Channel tab in the MediaSpace Main Navigation
  3. Create a New Channel

    • Click on the Create Channel button.
      Create a channel button.
    • Complete the channel setup form:
      • Name: Provide a clear and descriptive name for the repository.
      • Description: Describe the content and purpose of the repository.
      • Tags: Add relevant tags for easy search and categorization.
      • Privacy Settings: Select Shared Repository to create a collaborative repository where only channel members can view and contribute content.
      • Options: Configure options like enabling comments, content moderation, and subscription capabilities.
    • Click Save to create the channel.
      Create new channel menu.

Managing Channel Members and Settings

After creating a shared repository, you can manage access by adding members and assigning specific roles. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Add Members
    • Go to the channel, click on Channel Actions > Edit, and navigate to the Users tab.
      Channel Actions menu and Edit button.

    • Click Add Users and enter the email addresses of users to invite.Manage channel members menu.

    • Assign one of the following roles:

      • Member: View-only access. Suitable for general viewers, such as students.
      • Contributor: Can add content but cannot manage or moderate. Ideal for course instructors contributing new materials.
      • Moderator: Can approve and moderate content in addition to contributing. Suitable for faculty who help oversee content.
      • Manager: Full control over the repository, including managing members, settings, and all content. Recommended for department managers, course coordinators, or department heads who oversee repository maintenance.

Content Collaboration in a Shared Repository

To enable collaborative work within a shared repository, MediaSpace allows you to assign collaborators on a per-video basis.

  1. Access Content Collaboration Options

    • Select a video within the shared repository.
    • Click on Actions > Edit, then navigate to the Collaboration tab.
      Video Actions menu and Edit button.
      Collaboration tab.
  2. Changing Media Ownership

    • Why Change Ownership?: Reassigning ownership is essential if a course manager or repository overseer leaves their role, ensuring content continuity.
    • How to Change Ownership: Under the Collaboration tab, select a new media owner from existing MediaSpace users. Since MediaSpace is tied in to Mines Identity Access Management, simply begin typing in the name of the person you wish to assign as the new media owner and they should be displayed as a selection option.
    • Request Support: If the previous owner has already left Mines, create an IT ticket to request a Change in Media Ownership.
      Change Media Owner button.
  3. Adding Media Collaborators

    • Assign one or more collaboration roles to users for a selected video:
      Video collaborator options.
      • Co-Viewer: Can view the video. Suitable for users who need content access without publishing rights.
      • Co-Publisher: Can view and publish content to other MediaSpace channels and Canvas courses. Recommended for those who need to manage content distribution, especially to Canvas.
      • Co-Editor: Can view and edit video information such as metadata.
    • Note: You may select more than one collaboration role. Collaborators must be assigned on a per-video basis. This allows for flexibility in access control within the repository.

Publishing Shared Repository Content to Canvas

Shared repository Co-Publishers can publish content within Canvas for course use.

  1. Accessing Shared Content in Canvas
    • Within Canvas, navigate to the My Media link.
      My Media Link in Canvas
  2. Publishing to a Canvas Course
    • Click on the video, select Actions, and then Publish.
      Actions menu Publish option.
    • Set the video to Published, then select the desired Canvas course.
      Published option.
      Publish to specific courses.
  3. Accessing Published Content
    • Go to your Canvas Dashboard and open the course you just published your video to.
      Canvas Dashboard
    • In the Course Navigation column, select Course Media; the video will be available to course members.
      Course Media menu.
    • These videos can also be embeded within Canvas Pages and added within Course Modules.
      Add MediaSpace content to Canvas Page.
    • Note: Ensure course pages and modules are published to make content visible to students.

Creating Custom Shared Repository Groups

For repositories needing access by large groups, custom user groups streamline collaboration.

  1. Requesting a Shared Repository User Group
    • Repository Managers can open an IT ticket to request a Shared Repository User Group. This group can then be assigned collaborator roles to streamline content access.
    • Note: When requesting a Shared Repository User Group, please be sure to include the names and Mines email addresses for all new members.
    • Student TAs:  It is not recommended that student TAs be added to and Shared Repository groups.  Adding student TAs as group member collaborators can lead to complications beyond the scope of a semester, as their access to course materials may persist after their TA role ends. This ongoing access could unintentionally expose future course content updates, grading materials, or other sensitive information intended solely for current course staff. Limiting TAs to viewer access or individual permissions ensures that their access aligns with their active role and that they don’t retain unneeded access after they’re no longer involved in the course.
  2. Assigning a User Group as a Collaborator
    • Rather than assigning roles individually, apply the User Group with desired permissions (e.g., Co-Publisher) to videos, giving all group members immediate access.
      User Group example.
  3. Managing User Group Members
    • To update group members, the Repository Owner must submit an IT ticket for additions or removals. Consider a semesterly review to keep group membership current.
    • Note: It is the responsibility of the shared repository owner to oversee user group membership. 
    • Benefit: Once new users have been added to the group, they will automatically have access to the shared repository as well as the correct collaborator access to content within the repository.  This will reduce the overall amount of individual management required within the repository.



Article ID: 153743
Fri 11/1/24 10:06 AM
Mon 12/2/24 10:00 AM