MediaSpace: Adding Chapters to Videos


Using the video editor in MediaSpace allows you to trim, split, and add various enhancements to your videos. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use the video editor, along with best practices.


Video Guide for Adding Chapters to Videos in MediaSpace

Click here to play the video on Adding Chapters to Videos in MediaSpace

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Chapters in MediaSpace

Creating chapters in MediaSpace helps to organize your video content, making it easier for viewers to navigate through different sections. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create chapters, along with some best practices:

Access MediaSpace

  1. Log in to MediaSpace:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the MediaSpace tile within or use the url,
      MediaSpace icon on

Navigate to My Media

  1. Go to My Media:
    • Click on My Media from your Profile Image to access your My Media library.
      My Media menu image within MediaSpace
  2. Select a Video to Edit:
    • Find the video you want to add chapters to and click on its title to open it.

Edit Video

  1. Access the Actions Menu:
    • Below the video player, click on the Actions drop-down menu.
  2. Launch Editor:
    • From the Actions menu, select Edit.
      Actions menu and Edit option.

Add Chapters

  1. Timeline:
    • Click on the Timeline tab.
  2. Play the Video:
    • Use the video player to play the video and navigate to the point where you want to add a chapter.
  3. Set Chapter Point:
    • Move the playhead to the exact point in the video where you want to add click Create a new Chapter (Bookmark icon).
      Create new chapter icon.
  4. Name the Chapter:
    • Enter a descriptive title for the chapter in the text box that appears. The name should clearly indicate the content or section of the video.
    • Optionally, add a description for the chapter to provide more context.
    • Add search tags to the chapter, separated my commas.
      Video chapter information fields.
  5. Save the Chapter:
    • Click Save to confirm the chapter marker and its details.
  6. Repeat for Additional Chapters:
    • Continue to play the video and add more chapter markers at appropriate points throughout the video, following the same steps.

Finalize and Save

  1. Review Chapters:
    • Review all the chapter markers to ensure they are placed correctly and have appropriate names and descriptions.

Publish and Share

  1. Review and Publish:
    • Ensure the video, with its newly added chapters, is set to the appropriate privacy level (Private, Unlisted, or Published) and is ready for viewers.

Best Practices for Creating Chapters

  1. Use Descriptive Titles:
    • Ensure that each chapter title is descriptive and clearly indicates the content or section of the video. This helps viewers quickly find the sections they are interested in.
  2. Keep Chapters Concise:
    • Avoid making chapters too long or too short. Each chapter should cover a coherent section of the content, making it logical and useful for navigation.
  3. Maintain Consistent Naming Conventions:
    • Use consistent naming conventions for chapter titles. This could include capitalization, formatting, and specific terminology relevant to your content.
  4. Add Context with Descriptions:
    • Where applicable, add brief descriptions to chapters. This provides additional context and helps viewers understand the content of each chapter more comprehensively.
  5. Plan Chapter Points in Advance:
    • Before editing, plan where you will place chapter markers. Identify key sections, topics, or transitions in the video that naturally divide the content.
  6. Align with Learning Objectives:
    • For educational content, align chapters with learning objectives or key points in the lesson. This enhances the educational value and structure of the video.
  7. Ensure Smooth Transitions:
    • Place chapter markers at natural break points to ensure smooth transitions. Avoid cutting off sentences or important content.
  8. Test Navigation:
    • After adding chapters, test the video by navigating through the chapters to ensure they work correctly and enhance the viewing experience.
  9. Regularly Update and Review:
    • Periodically review and update chapter markers as needed, especially if the video content changes or if feedback indicates improvements are needed.



Article ID: 151576
Wed 5/29/24 2:04 PM
Thu 8/8/24 3:19 PM

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MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.