MediaSpace: Manage and Organize Metadata


Managing and organizing metadata in MediaSpace is crucial for improving the discoverability and usability of your video content. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to manage and organize metadata, along with some best practices.


Step-by-Step Guide to Managing and Organizing Metadata in MediaSpace

Managing and organizing metadata in MediaSpace is crucial for improving the discoverability and usability of your video content. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to manage and organize metadata, along with some best practices:

Access MediaSpace

  1. Log in to MediaSpace:
    • Open your web browser and log into with your Mines credentials.
    • Navigate to the MediaSpace tile within or use the url,
      MediaSpace tile within

Upload or Select a Video

  1. Go to My Media:
    • Click on My Media from your Profile Image to access your My Media library.
      My Media button within Profile menu.
  2. Upload or Select a Video:
    • To upload a new video, click on + Create and select Media Upload Follow the prompts to upload your video.
      Media upload options within MediaSpace +Create Menu
    • To manage metadata for an existing video, select the video from your media library by clicking on its title.

Edit Metadata

  1. Open Edit Page:
    • Below the video player, click on the Actions drop-down menu and select Edit
      Video player Actions menu
  2. Fill in Basic Metadata:
    • Title: Provide a clear, descriptive title for your video.
    • Description: Write a detailed description of the video content, including key points, topics covered, and any relevant information.
    • Tags: Add relevant tags that describe the content of your video. Tags should be specific and include keywords that users might search for.
      Meta description options.
  3. Save Changes:
    • After filling in the metadata fields, click “Save” to update the video’s metadata.
      Save changes button.

Organize Videos Using Metadata

  1. Use Channels:
    • Channels: Create channels to group related videos. For example, you can create a channel for each course or department and add relevant videos to these channels.
  2. Create Playlists:
    • Organize videos into playlists within channels. Playlists can help group videos by lecture series, topics, or modules, making it easier for viewers to navigate through related content.

Search and Filter Using Metadata

  1. Search for Media:
    • Use the search bar in MediaSpace to find videos based on metadata. Enter keywords from titles, descriptions, or tags to locate specific content.
      MediaSpace search bar.
  2. Filter Results:
    • Use the available filters (e.g., categories, tags, date) to narrow down search results. Filtering helps in quickly finding the relevant videos from a large library.
      Search filter options

Best Practices for Managing and Organizing Metadata

  1. Be Descriptive and Specific:
    • Use clear, descriptive titles and detailed descriptions. Avoid vague terms and ensure that the metadata accurately reflects the video content.
  2. Use Relevant Keywords:
    • Think about the keywords your audience might use to search for your video. Include these keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags.
  3. Maintain Consistency:
    • Follow a consistent format for naming, describing, and tagging videos. Consistency helps in maintaining an organized library and makes it easier to find content.
  4. Regular Updates:
    • Periodically review and update metadata to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. This is important if video content changes or if new keywords become relevant.
  5. Optimize for Searchability:
    • Ensure that metadata is optimized for search engines within MediaSpace. This includes using synonyms and related terms that potential viewers might use.
  6. Engage with Analytics:
    • Use MediaSpace’s analytics tools to understand how users are interacting with your videos. This can provide insights into which metadata terms are effective and which might need refinement.
  7. Encourage Collaboration:
    • If multiple people manage the video library, establish guidelines for metadata entry to ensure consistency and accuracy across all videos.
  8. Provide Clear Instructions:
    • Include instructions or guidelines for users on how to fill in metadata fields properly. This ensures that everyone follows the same standards.
  9. Solicit Feedback:
    • Ask users for feedback on the searchability and organization of videos. Use this feedback to continuously improve your metadata practices.



Article ID: 151573
Wed 5/29/24 2:03 PM
Wed 8/7/24 2:52 PM

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MediaSpace is the platform for creating, uploading and sharing videos and other media at Mines.