All pre-recorded video resources provided by Mines or linked to from Mines courses must have captions available. Generating automatic captions for videos is a good first step in providing better access for all. For full accessibility, automated captions must be edited to correct any errors.
There are several free sources of automatically generated captions for uploaded videos and live meetings or presentations.
Uploaded Videos
Mines MediaSpace
MediaSpace (login required) is an academic-focused platform for creating, uploading, and sharing videos and other media at the Colorado School of Mines. Machine-generated captions are automatically created and added to videos uploaded to MediaSpace, including videos that are added from YouTube. Captions are also used to create searchable transcripts and automated tags for videos in MediaSpace.
If you have any questions about using captions in MediaSpace, please send us a MediaSpace service request.
Use automatic captioning in YouTube
Mines community members have access to YouTube with their Mines-managed Google accounts. Whether you are using a YouTube account or a department account you created with Google, you should use YouTube to create and edit captions for videos that you have uploaded or can edit in YouTube Studio.
Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint
View, edit, and manage video transcripts and captions in Microsoft
All Mines community members have access to share videos from OneDrive and SharePoint with their Mines accounts. Once a video has been uploaded to OneDrive, you can create and edit automatic captions and transcripts. You can also download the caption or transcript file for use elsewhere.
Live meetings and presentations
Google Slides
Present slide with captions
To use Google Slides, log in to Google Slides or Drive with your Mines email and password.
Microsoft Teams
Use live captions in a Teams meeting
Teams provides an option for automatically generated captions for meetings, which includes speaker attribution. You can also separately turn on transcription if you would like to save an automatically generated transcript after the meeting.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Use real time automatic captions or subtitles in PowerPoint
When presenting with PowerPoint on Windows 10 or later, you can choose to provide automatically generated captions that display below your slides.
Manage automated captions in Zoom
Zoom provides an option to automatically generate live captions, which can also be saved as a live transcript of the Zoom meeting.