Prerequisites: A bare metal x64 compatible PC computer and access to a second Windows 10 computer to download and build the installation media. You must have administrator access on the computer on which you will create the Ubuntu install flash drive.
1. Acquire the Ubuntu Linux 22.04 installation file.
We must build an installation USB flash drive to install Ubuntu.
From a working Windows 10 computer, use your preferred web browser to go to
Find the Download Ubuntu button near the top of the page and click on it.

A note about Ubuntu versions: Ubuntu maintains a six month release cycle for major operating system upgrades.
The Spring release is usually in the middle of April, which is the fourth month of the year and hence the version number has a .04 suffix. e.g. the 16.04 version of Ubuntu was released in April 2016 and the 20.04 version was released in April of 2020.
Every four years, the version released is a Long Term Support (LTS) version. This means that Ubuntu's developers will provide updates, bug fixes, and security fixes for the LTS version for 5 years beyond the release date. (CSM ITS supports only the LTS versions of Ubuntu). Even though an updated version of Ubuntu is released every April, since only the LTS versions are supported for 5 years, installing a non-LTS version is not recommended.
The Autumn release of Ubuntu comes in October of each year. The releases are 16.10, 17.10, 18.10, etc. The Autumn releases are never long term releases and often include code in them that is not fully robust. Therefore, it is not recommended that a .10 release of Ubuntu be installed unless it has some feature that is essential. (CSM ITS does not support the .10 releases of Ubuntu).
On the Downloads page, you will see the latest version of Ubuntu available. At the time this knowledge base article was written, ITS is supporting Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 and 22.04 only.
Click on the Download Button.

Follow your chosen web browser's download process to download the installation file to your Downloads folder.
Open up the Windows File Explorer and navigate to your Downloads folder.
Find the Ubuntu installer file that you just downloaded and select it, then right-click your mouse on it.
Select Scan with Windows Defender from the context menu.

Windows Defender should return a result of No threats found.
If you receive a result that indicates a threat was found, stop here and report the infection.
Assuming no threats are found, close the Windows Defender interface.

2. Build the Ubuntu install device
There are many popular options for creating bootable USB flash drives. Two very popular options are Rufus and Unetbootin. For the purposes of this tutorial, I have chosen Etcher as it is the simplest utility.
Use your favorite web browser to go to and click on the Download for Windows (x86/x64) button.

Follow your chosen web browser's download process to download the installation file to your Downloads folder.
As we did earlier with the Ubuntu installer file, use Windows Defender to scan the Etcher installer file for threats.
Double-click on the Etcher installer file to launch the install process.

Click on the I Agree button.

The installation progress dialog box displays.

When the installation process is completed, Etcher will launch automatically.
Insert a blank USB flash drive of at least 8GB capacity into a USB port on the computer.
N O T E : Any existing data on the USB flash drive will be destroyed.
Be certain that the USB device depicted at the center of the Etcher dialog box is your intended USB device.

Click on the Flash from File link.

Browse to your Downloads folder and select the Ubuntu install file.
Click Open.

Click on the Flash! button.

If you are logged on to the computer with an administrator level account, you are prompted to allow Etcher to make changes to your system.
Select Yes.
If you are not logged on to the computer with an administrator level account, you are prompted to enter the credentials for the administrator level account.
Please refer to How to properly use an administrator account on a Microsoft Windows computer if you have any question about how to enter your administrator credentials.

Etcher displays the progress.

When the flash build process has completed, you can close Etcher and remove the USB flash drive from the computer.

3. Install Ubuntu 22.04
Take the newly created Ubuntu installer USB and insert it into a USB port on the computer on which you want to install Ubuntu.
Different brands of computer have different methods of forcing a boot from USB. Check your computer manufacturer's instructions for booting off USB.
Reboot the system and boot it off of the USB flash drive.
Select Install Ubuntu button.

Select your preferred language settings, then click Continue.

Select the Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware and additional media formats option.
Click Continue.

Select the Erase disk and install Ubuntu option
N O T E : Any existing data on the target hard drive is destroyed.
Click Install Now.

The install process summarizes the changes that will be made to the hard drive.
Click the Continue button.

If your time zone does not populate correctly, you can click on the map or search for your location in the search box.
When you're satisfied with the time zone selection, click on the Continue button.

You are next prompted to create your user account and to create a name for the computer.
N O T E : The account that you create is automatically an administrator of the system.
For compatibility with other nodes on the CSM campus network, your choice of computer name should be entered in lowercase letters and should not be longer than 15 characters.
Click Continue.

The installation process takes about 20 minutes to complete. Progress is displayed.

When the process is completed, click Restart Now.

During the shutdown process you are prompted to remove the USB flash drive and press Enter.

When the system has completed rebooting, click on your user account icon.

Enter the password you created during the install process.
Click Sign In.

At this initial logon session, you are prompted to connect to your online accounts. Select the accounts you'd like to connect, or select Skip.

Livepatch is Canonical's auto-update system for Ubuntu. You may choose to configure it.
Click Next.

You can choose to send metadata to Canonical if you like. Make your selection and click on the Next button.

You are given the opportunity to enable or disable location services.

Lastly, you are offered the opportunity to open up the Ubuntu Software store to install more applications.
Select Done.

The installation process is now completed. You are returned to the default Ubuntu desktop.
If system updates are available, the Software Updater will prompt you to download and install the updates.
It is best to keep your system as updated as possible. Select Instal Now to proceed with the update process.

Download and installation progress are displayed.

Once completed, you may be prompted to reboot the system.

The installation process is now complete and you are returned to the desktop screen.

2022.10.28 - dkearney