In situations where a student has received an incomplete grade, the student’s access to a Canvas course can be extended by request. Normally, Canvas course access for students is set to read-only mode 7 days after a semester officially ends. Extending Canvas course access will allow authorized students to continue accessing materials, submit assignments and quizzes, and complete other work beyond the official end of the semester.
Requesting extended Canvas access for incompletes
To request extended access to a course, the instructor should submit a Mines Help Center request with the following information:
- Canvas course ID (e.g., Sprg.2020.CBEN101.12011)
- Username or campus wide ID (CWID) of student(s) who need extended Canvas access
- End date for extended student Canvas course access
Following the request, an additional section titled “incomplete” along with the original CRN (e.g., incomplete.10010) in the Canvas course will be created with the requested end-date and the required student(s) will be enrolled in this section.
Adjusting availability of Canvas course items
Students in the “incomplete” section will have access to all published pages and files; however, students will NOT have access to any assignments, quizzes or other date-limited content in the course until the instructor sets new availability dates for such items.
To adjust availability to an assignment, quiz or other date-limited content:
1. Navigate to the quiz, assignment, etc. in the course and click Edit.
2. Scroll to the Assign area at the bottom of the page and click Add.
3. Under the Assign to area, choose the incomplete section. Enter the new due date and availability dates, and then click Save.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any additional quizzes, assignments or materials that need to be made available for the student(s) to complete.