Foundation Gifts Balance Reports (AFBR | My Funds)


The purpose of this procedure is to provide navigation information for the Foundation Gifts Balance Report
(AFBR | My Funds) in WorkDay. It outlines how to view My Funds, expense details, and salary details. This
report identifies your worktags that are in the Project Hierarchy of Foundation Gifts which begin with a “6”.

Please note these reports are still in progress while we figure out how to get to details with one click rather than multiple clicks within the system. The WorkDay report writing team is grateful for your patience in advance.

Let’s dig in!

Click here for FY End Procedures

View My Funds

  1. Go to your left-hand Menu and click on the Financials Dashboard

  2. All four AFBR reports are live. For the purpose of this guide, the following project hierarchies are included in this
    report. You must indicate a project worktag and/or a project approver in the prompts

  3. Click on the link “RPT028_3 - Foundation Gifts (bidgeted) Balance Report (AFBR | My Funds)”

    Below is an explanation of each Prompt and Report.

    My Foundation Gift Balance Report: This is the Balance Report for corresponding project worktags. This
    includes worktags that begin with a “6” or “9”. The report identifies Budget to Actuals. If an expense has not
    been approved on a Project worktag, no data will populate.

    The prompt page consists of eight ways to run the report. You can search for multiple items under Budget
    Structure, Worktags, Cost centers as well as Spend Category as Worktag. Required prompts are Period and
    Time period. Defaults are set to show all activity from Fiscal Year XX - July to current month/day.


    To search by Project Approver (PI) please enter the name in both prompt fields. We understand this is not
    ideal, however, this is WorkDay’s current guidance. This is an instance where saving your filter will be

    Balance reports work best when run with one or multiple driver or Project worktags added to the ‘Worktags’
    filter. Pulling by other related worktags (cost center, function) could cause variances in the amounts displayed
    and is not recommended at this time.

    *Period and Time Period Examples:

    To view a high-level summary of a specific project accounts (equivalent of AFBR-L3), click the Ending Balance
    hyperlink for details of expenditure. Project Outlines (the expansion button on the main report) will be coming
    in FY25 when we can report at the ledger account rather than the ledger account summary (roll up)

    Click on the blue hyperlinks in the Budget, Commitments and Obligations, Expenses drill down to the details.

    Please note, you have to dig further to get your payroll results (details below). Easier drill down functionality
    will be released in a later version.

    Source Data Under construction: There are several revenue and spend categories showing in an undesired
    column on the balance reports. For example, IDC Recovered (a Revenue) currently pulls into the Transfer
    Column. Despite this issue, the ‘Available Balance’ and ‘Balance after Commitments & Obligations’ columns are
    displaying the correct amounts. This issue is being reviewed and a solution will be implemented as soon as

    Categories impacted:

    Please note these corrections will not affect your Available Balance Columns.

    If you click on the hyperlink total for “Actuals,” a new window will open with just the detailed expenses. If you
    click on the total expenses at the top, the drill down will return all expenses (similar to AFBR-L4).

    A sample drill down and field explanations are provided below:

    Currently, we do not have an expansion path (First Column) to identify individual Ledger Accounts. This will be
    available in late-August 2024 after FY25 Beginning Balances are available.


Fiscal Year End Close Procedures

During FY close, the prepopulated prompts will change. Just as we did with My Funds in Cognos and Trailhead,
we will hard code these in to end 06/30 of that year. You can change the prompts to current year however,
budget may not be loaded and ending balances may change slightly.

Click here to go to the top of the procedure



Article ID: 151587
Wed 5/29/24 4:52 PM
Mon 7/1/24 4:26 PM