Award Budget vs Actuals


The purpose of this procedure is to provide navigation information for the Award Budget vs Actuals in Workday. This report replaces the Banner report of (FRIGITD).

Please note these reports are still in progress while we figure out how to get to details with one click rather than multiple clicks within the system.  The Workday report writing team is grateful for your patience in advance. 

Let’s dig in!        

View Grant

  1. Go to your left-hand Menu and click on the Financial Dashbaord

  2. Under the Budget vs Actuals Section you will find RPT083 – Award Budget vs Actuals.
    • Click on the hyperlink

Below is an explanation of each Prompt and how to navigate.

The prompt page consists of 5 ways to run the report.  Although there are many ways to pull up the data, it is highly recommended that you only choose 1 grant worktag or award.  Adding multiple request will lump sum the categories, unless you are drilling down.   Required prompts are Grant Worktag/Award, Period and Time period. Defaults are set to show all activity from start date to current date.





Grant Worktag or Individual Award*

Input a Grant Worktag to view all awards for a specific project, input an individual award (Such as participant support or cost share) to see the one award item.

Recommended to only select one. 



The period is the starting point when the report is run.

Can select by Current and Prior Periods, Last Closed Period and a multitude of selections for Fiscal Period.  Only one period is allowed to be selected

Current Month

Time Period*

This is the time frame you would like to report to run for. 

Best selections are Award life to Date or Inception to date if the project is an "At-Risk"

Inception to Date (Fiscal Year)


Additional prompt to filter by Cost Center, Function, Fund and/or Grant. 

Various and can select more than one.  Typically for Grants you can search Fund 12 or Function 1200.


Cost Center

Additional prompt to filter by Cost Center

Various and you can select more than one


Time Period Selections are:

Fiscal Time Period

Budget to Date

This is not working properly for FY24

Current Period

Current Month

Current Period YTD

Current Monty Year to Date

Current Year

Current Fiscal Year

Inception to Date (Fiscal Year)

All Periods prior to the period selected

Last 12 periods

Last 12 Months

Last 36 periods

Last 3 Years

Last 4 periods

Last 4 months

Last 6 periods

Last 6 periods

Last year - Current Period

Last years current month (i.e. If it is 12/2023, this would give you the month of 12/2022)

Last year - Current Period YTD

Last Year current Month Year to Date (i.e. if it is 12/2023, this would give you 07/2022 - 12/2022)

Next 12 Periods

This is for forecasting

Next Year - Current Period

This is for forecasting

Period + 10

This is for forecasting

Period + 11

This is for forecasting

Period + 2

This is for forecasting

Period + 3

This is for forecasting

Period + 4

This is for forecasting

Period + 5

This is for forecasting

Period + 6

This is for forecasting

Period + 7

This is for forecasting

Period +8

This is for forecasting

Period + 9

This is for forecasting

Period +19

This is for forecasting

Prior Period YTD

Last month fiscal year to date

Project Life to Date (Fiscal Year)

This is used when you have a project that lasts multiple fiscal years. 

Year from Current Period

This is for forecasting

Award Time Period

Award Life to Date

Award Schedule Start Date to current period

Award schedule for Grant (Based on Start and End Dates of the project)

This only comes up if you are searching for one grant, will auto populate Award Schedule Start and End Dates.

Award Life to Date:

Prior Month:


Fiscal Year to Date:

To view a list of awards by investigator, enter name in Principal Investigator field. Note, this will lump all awards together.

Once the prompts are filled out, you will land on a detail page for the specific award selected in the prompt.  This is the ledger account detail. 

Click on the blue hyperlinks in the Budget, Commitments and Obligations, Actuals, or Available Balance columns to drill down to the details.

Please note, you have to dig further to get your payroll results (details below). 

If you click on the hyperlink total for “Actuals,” a new window will open with just the detailed expenses. If you click on the total expenses at the top, the drill down will return all expenses. If you click on an individual ledger accounts total, it will only return the details for that ledger account.

A sample drill down and field explanations are provided below:

Column Name



The Workday Accounting entry details. Includes debits and credits

Expense Item(s)

Text of the expense item as listed in the expense report

Employee as a Worktag

The employee who was paid on the Journal Line or Operational Summary; this is only populated on WorkDay transactions.  Legacy Data does not have this indicated. 

Grant Worktag

The associated Grant Worktag on the expense


Grant Title

Operational Transaction

This is the Workday source document for the transaction. If the expense came in from a travel authorization, supplier invoice, or other journal source, this field would lead you back to the source.

Ledger Account Number

Ledger Account Numeric Value

Ledger Account

Ledger Account Name

Spend Category Number

Spend Category Numeric Value

Spend Category

Spend category Name

Cost Center

The Cost Center associated with the expense item

Bill to sponsor for award

The Sponsor who is funding the grant. 

Accounting Date

Date expense actually posted to the system. This date may be outside of period of performance


Amount of transaction. Expenses show as a positive amount and refunds/credits show as a negative value.

Costing Worktags

Displays all worktags associated with the expense   



Article ID: 148731
Fri 1/12/24 5:36 PM
Wed 5/29/24 4:53 PM