External Candidates: How to Apply for Jobs at Mines
Visit the Mines Career page at to get started.
Searching for Jobs
Upon arrival, you can begin scrolling to browse all opened positions at Mines.

The Mines Careers website is configured to show a maximum of 20 job postings per page. Once you scroll to the bottom of a page, click the numbered icons or < and > arrows to continue to the new page of job postings.

You can search for specific positions by typing in keywords or phrases into the search field.

You can filter your search by other categories as well.
The Location Category will allow you to filter your search based on where a position is located.

You can filter your search to show you either full-time or part-time positions.

You can filter your search by Job Category to show results based on job classification types.

The More category allows you to drill down into even greater detail as you search.

To remove a search filter, click the X icon to the right of the phrase or, click Clear All to remove all search filters.

Account Creation & Sign-In
Once you are ready to apply for an open position at Mines, you will need to create a Mines Careers account or log in again if you have previously created an account.

For returning applicants, please enter your email address and password and click Sign In. For new users, click on Create Account to get started.

If you are creating a new account, enter your email address and your preferred password. Please take note of the password requirements that need to be fulfilled. Verify your password by typing it in again and then click Create Account.

Once you have successfully signed in or created an account, your email address should be displayed in the upper righthand corner of the Mines Careers website.
Beginning the Application Process
Once you have signed in and found a job posting you are interested in applying for, click on the Position Name within your search results list.

After clicking on a job posting, the full description for that position will appear for you to review. Details will vary from position to position, but will generally include information such as Key Responsibilities, Minimum Qualifications, Desired Qualifications, Pay Range, etc.
To begin the application process, click Apply.

After clicking on Apply, you will be presented with a Start Your Application screen. You may select to either:

- Autofill with Resume: This option will prompt you to upload your resume and the system will do its best to autofill in all fields within the application. Note that this process isn’t perfect and you will want to review the autofilled information to ensure it’s correct.
- Apply Manually: This option will allow you to enter information into each field of the application manually. It is the most accurate method of applying, but it also requires the most time.
- Use My last Job Application: If you have previously applied for a job at Mines using the Mines Careers website, this option will use your last submitted application and autofill your current application with that information. Note that you will likely need to go through the application and tailor it to suit the current position you are applying for.
Applying for an Open Position
As you begin the application process, you will see a progress bar at the top of the page which indicates how many steps are remaining in the process before you are finished.

Throughout the application process, note that all fields marked with an * are required.
My Information
Please fill out all of the following information in this page:
How did you hear about us?
Please click on the drop-down menu and browse the categories within and select the one which is most accurate.

Legal Name
Enter your legal name within the fields within this section. First and Last names are required while the other fields are optional.

Preferred Name
If your preferred name differs from your legal name, check the I have a preferred name box and enter your preferred name information into the fields below.

While optional at this point in the application process, you have the ability to enter your home address.

Verify your email address here. If you need to change your email address, you will need to do so within your account settings by clicking on your email address in the upper righthand corner of the page.

Choose your Phone Device Type, your Country Phone Code, and your Phone Number.

Once you’ve filled out all of the appropriate information on this page, click Save and Continue to move on to the next section of the application.

My Experience

Work Experience
Click the Add button to enter a new work experience item.

Fill out all of the required information including Job Title, Company, From and To dates. Consider including option information as well such as Location and Role Description.

If you have additional work experiences to include, click the Add Another button and fill out the required information again. Repeat this process for all work experience items you wish to include.

Click the Add button to enter a new Education item.

Fill out all of the required information including School or University and Degree. Consider including option information as well.

If you have additional education experiences to include, click the Add Another button and fill out the required information again. Repeat this process for all education experience items you wish to include.

Click the Add button to enter a new language.

Fill out all of the required information including Language, Comprehension, Overall, Reading, Speaking, and Writing.

If you have additional languages to include, click the Add Another button and fill out the required information again. Repeat this process for all languages you wish to include.

Type in keywords and phrases that represent your relevant skills. Hit enter after typing a skill keyword or phrase to add it to your list of skills.

To remove a skill, click the X icon to the left of it.

Attachments (Resume/CV, Required application materials, etc.)
Upload the required application documents as described within the job posting. These may include (but are not limited to) your Resume or Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter, Teaching Philosophy, Diversity Statement, etc. You may drag the appropriate files into the dotted box or click on Select Files and browse your computer.

If you have a relevant website to share, such as a portfolio or research site, click the Add button and then enter the URL to the site.

If you wish to include additional websites, click the Add Another button and repeat the process.

Once you’ve filled out all of the appropriate information on this page, click Save and Continue to move on to the next section of the application. If you need to change previous information, hit the back button instead.

Application Questions

Please answer the following questions found on this page. These questions may vary from job posting to job posting, but could questions such as:
- Have you previously worked for the state of Colorado?
- Are you legally permitted to work in the country where this job is located?
- Will you now or in the future require sponsorship to remain legally authorized to work in the United States?
- Are you currently a resident of Colorado?
Once you’ve filled out all of the appropriate information on this page, click Save and Continue to move on to the next section of the application. If you need to change previous information, hit the back button instead.

Voluntary Disclosures

Voluntary Demographic Questions
This section of the application includes demographic questions that may be answered on a voluntary basis. If you choose to answer these questions, they will likely be:
- Please select the ethnicity which most accurately describes how you identify yourself.
- Please select your gender.
- Please indicate if you are Hispanic or Latino.
- Please select the veteran status which most accurately describes your status.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the terms and conditions found on this page. To accept the terms and conditions, click the checkbox found at the bottom of the page.

Once you’ve filled out all of the appropriate information on this page, click Save and Continue to move on to the next section of the application. If you need to change previous information, hit the back button instead.

Self Identify

This field simply changes the language that is displayed on the page. The default is set to English, but if you prefer to read this content in another language, you may choose from other available options.

Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability
This section of the application includes optional questions about self-identification in regards to your disability status. If you choose to answer these questions, please fill out the Name field, Employee ID field (if applicable), and today’s date.
Next, read through the explanation of this form and, if you so choose, check the appropriate box found towards the bottom of the page.

Once you’ve filled out all of the appropriate information on this page, click Save and Continue to move on to the next section of the application. If you need to change previous information, hit the back button instead.


Spend some time on this page reviewing all of the information presented in order to ensure that your application is accurate. If you need to add additional information or change incorrect data, return to the appropriate page where that info was submitted and make changes as needed.
Once you have verified that all of the information within the application is accurate, click Submit to finish the application process.

Once you have submitted your application, you will be presented with a confirmation message.

Candidate Home
On your Candidate Home page, you will see various sections will useful information.
My Tasks
This section includes a dashboard which will alert you if there are any tasks or action items that you need to be aware of. Check back frequently if you have any active job applications

My Applications
This section will show you all of your active and inactive job applications at Mines as well as the current status of your active applications.

Similar Jobs
This section will show job postings similar to ones you have previously applied for.

My Account
This section provides links to enable you to update your contact information or edit your account settings.