

Vendor: Rocscience.

General Description: The Rocscience web-site describes Rocscience as an “easy to use geotechnical analysis and design software (that) helps engineers create safe, affordable solutions in rock and soil, (combining) an attractive CAD based graphical interface with a wide range of data interpretation and modeling options – you can quickly simulate conditions, predict behavior and establish support requirements for your projects.”

Availability: Rocscience is installed in BH201, BH203 and BH222.

Scope of License: Available to any machine owned by the Colorado School of Mines, as long as the machine is properly registered on the ITS-managed license server. Software is available to all students, faculty and staff to use for educational purposes only.

The Academic Bundle also comes with 19 complimentary individual education licenses (EILs) for graduate students who are using Rocscience software for their theses and research projects. This service is available to PhD and Masters students who are working under the supervision of a professor who, or department which, subscribes to the Rocscience Academic Bundle. All requests should originate from the license owner and should include the completed Graduate Student License Form.

If you need to contact the License Owner, please submit a Help Center request.

Cost to Qualified Mines End-Users:  ITS does not currently charge for use of this license in supported labs and classrooms.

Documentation:  Available for free to registered users of the Rocscience web site.

In case of difficulties running the software in a Mines ITS managed lab:  Contact ITS via the Mines Help Center. We want the program to be properly installed, licensed and functioning. If you have questions about the use of the program, please contact your instructor, TA or lab manager.




Article ID: 148417
Sun 12/10/23 3:24 AM
Wed 1/10/24 1:41 PM