Groundwater Modeling Systems


Vendor: Aquaveo

Supported Operating Systems:  Microsoft Windows only.

General Description: The Aquaveo web-site describes GMS as a “comprehensive groundwater modeling environment with GIS based graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline the modeling process.”

Availability: This product is installed in BH201 and BH222.

Scope of License: Per seat lab license; not available to individuals or for installations on individual machines.

Cost to Qualified Mines End-Users:  This software is owned by the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering: ITS does not control distribution.

In case of difficulties running the software in a Mines IT managed lab:  Contact IT via the Mines Help Center. We want the program to be properly installed, licensed and functioning. If you have questions about the use of the program, please contact your instructor, TA or lab manager.






Article ID: 148151
Fri 11/17/23 6:37 PM
Mon 4/22/24 8:06 PM