Calc 98


Supported Operating Systems:  Windows

General Description: Calc 98 is a scientific calculator for the computer.

Availability: It is available on every computer located in a ITS managed lab.

Method for Obtaining: This software is freely avaliable from Flow Simulation.

  • For personally owned machines or machines on which you hold administrative privilege, download from Flow Simulation.
  • For Mines-owned, ITS managed machines that are not in labs, submit a Mines Help Center request for installation.

Documentation: Help using the calculator is found in the help section of Flow Simulation’s website.

More information on the product can also be found on the FAQ page.

In case of difficulties running the software in a Mines IT managed lab:  Contact ITS via the Mines Help Center.



Article ID: 148138
Fri 11/17/23 4:43 PM
Mon 4/22/24 8:03 PM