Active Perl


Vendor: ActiveState – Open Source Languages Company.

Supported Operating Systems:  ASPN maintains an OS support matrix on their Active Perl web site.

General Description: ActiveState advertises ActivePerl as the “…industry-standard, commercial-grade Perl distribution used by millions of developers around the world for easy Perl installation and quality-assured code.”

Availability: For classroom/lab availability see Campus Computing Labs.

Method for Obtaining:

  • For installation on machines that are not Mines-owned or for machines on which you hold administrative privilege, download it from ActiveState and install.
  • For Mines-owned, ITS managed machines submit a Mines Help Center request for installation.

Cost:  This software is free.

Documentation is available on the ASPN web page.

In case of difficulties running the software in a Mines ITS managed lab:  Contact ITS via the Mines Help Center. We want the program to be properly installed, licensed and functioning. If you have questions about the use of the program, please contact your instructor, TA or lab manager.



Article ID: 148045
Fri 11/10/23 2:50 AM
Wed 1/10/24 2:47 PM