This document is to give a quick overview of a method a manager can start collecting appointments and events for a new hire prior to their onboarding at Mines. The manager can create a local calendar, populate it, then share the calendar once the new hire starts.
Getting the calendar ready and adding events:
Launch Outlook for Windows.
Go to your calendar view in Outlook.
Right click on Calendar (under My Calendars in your Outlook view) and choose New Calendar. For this example we will call the calendar "John Smith - New Hire Calendar."
Once the calendar is created, right click on the calendar and choose share then share calendar. A new e-mail will pop up. Share this calendar with whomever is an existing Mines user that needs to add events to the calendar and send the invite. The new hire doesn't have a mailbox so you can't share it with them just yet.
You can then add events or have the people you shared the calendar with add events for the new hire before they are onboarded.
Sharing the calendar with the new hire:
Once the new hire is onboarded and has a mailbox that you can share the calendar with them.
Right click on the calendar and choose share then share calendar. A new e-mail will pop up. Share this calendar with the new hire.
You can also e-mail the calendar to the new hire instead of sharing it. This will give them a static copy of the calendar as it is when you send it to them. Right click on the calendar then Share -> E-mail Calendar.
For the new hire:
If you shared the calendar with the new hire all they need to do is click on the sharing link in the e-mail for it to be added to their calendar view.
Depending on how many events have been added to their calendar it may be easier to see a list view. Click on view at the top outlook menu then go to change view then list.
Select the New Hire Calendar. You should see all the events in one neat list. Highlight all the events or CTRL+A then drag them into the "Calendar" under My Calendars. This will copy all events over to the new hire calendar. Verify all the content has been transferred.
If there will be no new events added to the new hire calendar then the new hire can right click on the shared calendar and Delete Calendar. This will remove the calendar from their view.
Everyone who the calendar was shared with should remove it from their Outlook view. Have them right click on the calendar and choose Delete Calendar.
The manager sharing the new hire calendar can then right click and Delete Calendar from their outlook. This will delete the original calendar since it will no longer be used.