Create accessible digital math with Equatio


Instructions for installing and using Equatio for accessible digital math


Installing Equatio

Equatio is available for free to all Mines students, staff, and faculty. Users without admin rights can install Equatio on their Mines-managed computers.

Equatio for Windows

  1. To install on a Windows machine, go to the Start menu and open Software Center. 
  2. Under "Applications," click on the Equatio. 
  3. Click the "Install" button on the Equatio page in Software Center.

Equatio for Mac

  1. To install on a Mac, go to the "Self Service" icon in the dock or by searching Spotlight. 
  2. In Self-Service, search for Equatio and click on the Install button under the icon. 

Other ways to install

Learning to use Equatio

Equatio offers a YouTube playlist of short introductory videos about Equatio features. Texthelp, the makers of Equatio, also offers documentation and resources.

Equatio Desktop Toolbar (Windows and Mac)

Equatio for Google

Using Equatio in Canvas

Equatio is available when using the Rich Content Editor in Canvas. To access Equatio:

  1. Click Edit on a page, quiz, or other content that uses the Rich Content Editor.
  2. Expand the Apps menu in the toolbar (the icon looks like an electrical plug). From the menu, select Insert Equatio Equation

Screenshot of Rich Text Editor with apps menu highlighted

Equatio features

Math Input and Editing Tools

The Equatio toolbar includes the following tools:

  • Equation editor: Type math in natural language or keyboard shortcuts and get formatting recommendations
  • LaTeX editor: Write equations in LaTeX and get an instant preview
  • Graph: Use the Desmos graph editor to create graphs that can be used in other documents
  • Handwriting input: Use a touchscreen, trackpad or mouse to write equations in your own handwriting and convert them to digital math
  • Speech input: Dictate math and convert it to a digital format
  • Mobile phone: Use your phone camera and a QR code to send a digital version of math to a document on a nearby device
  • Screenshot reader: Capture a screenshot of math (such as from an image, web page, video, or PDF) and convert it to digital format
  • STEM tools: Includes a periodic table, calculator, and molecule viewer

Digital Math Formats

The copy Math as… button in Equatio offers options for inserting digital math in different formats in other documents.

Recommended formats

  • LaTeX: Inserts math in LaTeX notation.
  • MathML: Inserts MathML code, which is shown as an equation in programs such as Canvas, MS Word and Google Docs. MathML is the recommended accessible format for most web pages and documents because it can also be read aloud by many screen readers.
  • Spoken Text: Creates text that replicates how the equation would be spoken aloud. This is a good option if you are generating alt text for an image or if you want a version that will sound natural to people who are using screen readers.

Other format options

  • Image: Inserts a PNG image file. This file may be pixelated and does not include alt text for screen readers.
  • HTML: Creates HTML code that links to the formula hosted on the Equatio site. The link shows the equation on a blank web page as an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) with alt text.
  • SVG: Creates SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) code. SVGs can be scaled without losing resolution. To use the SVG, paste the generated code into a text file, save it with a .svg extension, and open the file in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or a similar editing tool. SVGs can also be viewed in browsers.
  • URL: This generates a URL on the Equatio site that goes to a PNG image (small, low resolution) of the equation.
  • Download PNG: This lets you download a similar PNG as the Image and URL options.



Article ID: 146287
Fri 6/23/23 5:33 PM
Wed 1/22/25 10:47 AM